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Private load escorts threa

12th September 1996
Page 9
Page 9, 12th September 1996 — Private load escorts threa
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

by Derren Hayes • Abnormal load escorts on trunk roads and motorways could soon be privatised if recommendations to strip the police of the role are given the goahead.

The move follows Cambridgeshire police's decision to suspend its controversial policy limiting police escorts of abnormal loads to some days and times during the week.

Since May escorts are available only between 10:00 and

18:00hrs on Monda vs, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Fridays, but following heavy criticism Cambridgeshire has reinstated its seven-day roundthe-.lock-policy.

Now the Association olf Chief Police Officers (ACK)) his recommended in a report Flo the Home Office that thd task should be taken out of police control and handed over to the private sector.

Cambridge Police's traffic inspector Mick Gipp thinks it's a task hauliers will take on themselves. He says: "1 don't think it's something police will carry on doing and charge for, it'll be up to hauliers to du their own.

"It will open up new areas of training in specific standards and giving accreditations."

Both the RHA and Fl corned the Cambridgesh. sion but were sceptical a to take powers away ft police.

Don McIntyre of th says: "The solution is police to be funded pr The service is free moment but if there charge most membe they'd rather pay the than a private firm."