'he deputy general manager of Stockon-Tees Corporation Transport, Mr. Mantle
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has been appointed, as from vember 1, passenger transport manaof Warrington Corporation. He :eeds Mr. N. McDonald, who goes 7.oventry.
Ir. John Harding has been appointed s manager of Castro! (Ireland), Ltd. has been regional sales manager for North-East of England since 1957.
Jr. R. G. Manson and Mr. IL sney Boyd have been appointed nbers of the Transport Tribunal for .thern Ireland for the period ending ember 31, 1963.
Ir. J. D. Richards has been appointed 3-al sales manager of Dodge Brothers tam), Ltd. He replaces Mr. P. G. :stmas, who will undertake a new rnational assignment with the Eastern lisphere region of Chrysler Interon al .
t the National Conference of the :hasing Officers Association last I, Mr. J. Murray Grammer was ted president. Mr. F. S. Lloyd (13.T.R. istries, Ltd.), Mr. H. F. Schudder A. Harvey and Co. (London), Ltd.), W. I. Shaw (Joseph Lucas (Eked), Ltd.), and Mr. C. W. Thompson ;anon Laboratories, Ltd.) were elected -presidents. New chairman and vicerman of the Association arc, respecy: Mr. I. Faulkner (L. H. Newton Co., Ltd.) and Mr. E. C. T. nherstone (Hawker Aircraft, Ltd.), new hon. treasurer is Mr. A. M. lor (Foster Transformers, Ltd.).
WO top sales appointments in the IcyMotors Group have been announced the group sales director Mr. D. G. as, following his additional appoint
as managing director of Leyland ors, Ltd. Mr. IL Ellis becomes ;ral sales and service manager respon
for Leyland and Albion products. :.etains his position as manager of the m's new special products division. ointed home sales manager of Albion ors, Ltd., is Mr. J. Findlay Douglas, ter director of Leyland-Albion itral Africa), Ltd.. and Standardmph (Rhodesia), Ltd.
Ir. T. L. Hill, a director and chief untant of Seammell Lorries, Ltd.. has appointed chief accountant of and Motors, Ltd. Mr. Desmond Rootes, car sales manager of the Rootes Group for the past 10 years, has joined the board of Thomas Harrington, Ltd., of Hove, Sussex. Mr. Rootes will be responsible for the motor trading division.
Mr. J. C. Watson, previously director and works manager of the Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., has been appointed works director. Mr. F. D. Smith, who previously held the position of assistant works manager, has been appointed works manager.
Mr. D. H. Ballard and Mr. L. R. Mumford have been appointed directors of Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Titanic Works. Lincoln. Mr. R. F. Wordsell and Mr. R. LI. Shaw have been appointed to the board of Power Brakes, Ltd., Southampton. another company in the Clayton Dewandre Group.
Mr. G. B. Howden, who has been chairman of the Ulster Transport Authority since 1953, is to retire at the end of September next year. He has been engaged in public transport for 57 years. starting in his native Edinburgh in 1906. He has agreed to be available for consultation on the report of the inquiry on the rail system on which Mr. Henr.s Benson is at present engaged. All the present members of the Authority have been appointed by the Minister of Commerce for a further year.
Following the initial integration of Carmo Holdings, Shaw and Kilburn and Nash of Cardiff, the C.S.K.N. group announce further appointments, among them: Mr. Lionel P. Altman (director, CamĀ° Holdings) is appointed administration controller for the C.S.K.N. group (excluding Kenden Bodies). Mr. V. G. Blakesley (director, Shaw and Kilburn) assumes temporary responsibility to the managing director for operations in South Wales in addition to his present Luton area commitments. Mr. K. St. John Baldwyn is London commercial vehicle area manager. Mr. S. F. G. Tolkien (director, Shaw and Kilburn) is appointed director of fleet sales liaison. Mr. Bruce Davis is appointed new vehicle sales manager at Nash of Cardiff. Mr. H. Kuhn is appointed new vehicles sales manager at Shaw and Kilburn, Luton. Mr. G. H. Savill (director, Carmo (1929). Ltd.) is now on a special assignment conducting a group service survey. Mr. J. Meyer joined the group on October I as sales manager at Carmo. Leighton Road.
Two members of the sales division of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Gt, Britain), Ltd., Mr. A. E. Fairfield (manager, tyre services) and Mr. F. Littler (account executive, manufacturers sales disision) were recently presented with 25 year service pin awards and gold watches.
Mr. J. R. Grimsdell has been appointed general sales director of Beckett, Laycock and Watkinson, Ltd. Mr. C. E. Hirst, while remaining a director of the company, relinquishes his marine division executive responsibilities and will act in an advisory capacity. Mr. C. B. Barratt remains a director but will act as an adviser to the road (home) division. Mr. J. P. Taylor becomes general sales manager.
Mr. F. W. Robinson, assistant managing director of Thos. W. Ward, Ltd., Sheffield, has been appointed chairman and managing director of George Cooper (Sheffield), Ltd., and a director of Town Woodhouse, Ltd., and John Smith (Keighley), Ltd. Mr. G. S. Wood, director of Thos. Ward, has resigned his directorship of John Smith (Keighley), Lid., and has become chairman and managing director of Town Woodhouse