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Whatever I Decide, Appeal is Likely Says L.A.

12th October 1962
Page 43
Page 43, 12th October 1962 — Whatever I Decide, Appeal is Likely Says L.A.
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k NUMBER of independent hauliers, -1 as well as BR. and B.R.S., objected t Bristol last week at the resumed earing of an application, through her usband, by Mrs. E. M. Parker, described s a market grower and merchant. Mrs. arkcr was seeking a B licence for three ehicles to carry fruit and vegetables for amed Bristol fruit brokers to various arts of the country.

Undercutting of rates and other allegaons were made against the applicant at se first hearing.

Mr. Leslie Jenkins, B.R.S., Bristol, said ley had offered a special arrangement to ,holesalers for handling part loads of .uit, but they (the brokers) did not ccept. " Despite that, we are still handng part loads," said Mr. Jenkins, "and ,e do not seem to be enjoying the full )ads which everybody else is carrying." It was put to Mr. Jenkins that B.R.S. ad had this traffic: a few years ago; he 'as asked why they had lost it. He said e supposed it was a question of rates.

In his final submission on behalf of le objectors, Mr. I. R. D. Jenkins :minded the Licensing Authority, Mr. . W. Nelson, of what he had said when e refused the original application for an licence some months ago: that there as no lack of transport in Bristol to eal with this traffic. Apart from this, Ir. Jenkins submitted that the Parkers 'ere not fit and proper persons to hold licence.

Mr. McLaren, for B.R., said rateMing must be condemned. The present pplication challenged the very reason for ritish Railways' existence.

Granting the application, Mr. Nelson Od that after listening to the customers e was-in no doubt that the service which !vs. Parker proposed to give was better ian the service which the objectors were illing to offer.

"Whatever decision I make will probbly he referred to the Appeals Tribunal maY. be.reversed." There was much be.. said. on both sides, and. he felt he something for the customers who !anted' .a regular service to suit their tdividual requirements. A great deal ad been said about rates. If Mrs. arkef. put herself in bankruptcy as a ;stilt of the rates she charged, well.... ates were not the main consideration of

the customers who wanted a service which they had not been able to get from other undertakings. He considered the evidence to be very impressive, especially the fact that Mrs. Parker was prepared to handle part loads. A number of people had said they were well served by James Transport when Mr. Parker was manager there and wanted the same kind of service now.

One vehicle would be restricted to carrying fruit within a radius of 45 miles and the other two to carrying for named Bristol wholesalers over a distance of 110 miles. and to and from Bristol and Cornwall,