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Willys Overland Crossley

12th November 1929, Page 186
12th November 1929
Page 186
Page 186, 12th November 1929 — Willys Overland Crossley
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IN a recent issue of The Commercial Motor we described a new Willys Commercial six-cylinder chassis, which, with a capacity for 30 cwt., falls into line with every modern requirement as regards speed and power capabilities. The six-cylinclered engine has a bare and stroke of 3i ins. and 3i ins, respectively with a treasury rating of 23.4 h.p. Side-by-side valves are employed in conjunction with a detachable cylinder head, which renders the unit accessible from a maintenance point of view. A heavy-duty crankshaft is drilled for fullpressure lubrication and, in conjunction with light pistons of aluminium alloy and light, but stiff-sectioned connecting rods, vibration is almost entirely avoided. The engine develops no less than 50 b.h.p. at maximum revs.

The power is conveyed to the road wheels through a large-diameter single dry-plate clutch, a centrally controlled four-speed gearbox and an open propeller shaft (equipped with two oillubricated universal joints) to a spiralbevel rear axle, having a ratio of 5.44 to one. The chassis is equipped with long semi-elliptic springs front and rear and with efficient four-wheel brakes. It is interesting to note that the radiator i3 chromium plated, a front bumper-bar is incorporated in the frame design and finger-tip clintrol for all the electrical gear is standardized.

As shown, this chassis is equipped with a 15-seater coach body of distinctive design, finished in ivory white with red mouldings.

The Willys-Manehester 2-ton models are also newcomers to the range, In brief, the 2-ton chassis has a fourcylindcred engine rated at 22.5 h.p., with side-by-side valves, a detachable cylinder head and a removable cylinder block.

A five-bearing crankshaft and a fullpressure lubrication system automatically controlled by the throttle are attractive features. This vehicle is the latest development of the 30-35-cwt. Manchester mode!, which follows the same lines for both engine and chassis layout ; lighter springs, however, are included.

A 10-cwt. Willys Overland van with a large-capacity body of essentially modern design is equipped with a foureylindered engine, rated at 15.6 h.p. The unit is planned on simple lines with .a three-bearing crankshaft, side-by-side :Valves and lubrication by pressure from a gear-type pump.

This particular type of chassis also forms the basis for what is known as the Commerce saloon, a type of body which, with a large door at the rear, can be used for business or pleasure without structural alteration.