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Optimism returning?

12th May 2011, Page 11
12th May 2011
Page 11
Page 11, 12th May 2011 — Optimism returning?
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THE POSITIVELY balmy April, complete with Easter and that wellpublicised wedding, seem to have wakened consumers (and business) from their winter slumber – and that in turn has made transport operators a tad more optimistic.

A total of 74% said they were either very optimistic or fairly optimistic about the next 12 months – clearly better than March’s 68%, much closer to December’s 75%, but still short of September’s high of 81%.

The remaining respondents were either not very optimistic or not at all optimistic, thus generating an optimism index score of +47, a clear improvement on March’s +37, but still some way shy of February’s +55.

Logistics and contract distribution irms and the largest leets are the most optimistic: 88% and 91% respectively. Operators serving the construction sector are the least optimistic: just 60% registered a positive outlook.

A total of 29% said their business has already started to recover from the recession, while another 35% expect to recover within the next 12 months.