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"The End of the Line . . ."

12th May 1961, Page 41
12th May 1961
Page 41
Page 41, 12th May 1961 — "The End of the Line . . ."
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HAULIERS in America speak of disaster for their industry if the Administration's proposals for higher taxation on commercial vehicles corncinto force. Mr. Edward V. Kiley, director of the Department of Research and Transport Economics for American Trucking Associations, recently told the House Ways and Means Committee that " the trucking industry has come to the end of the line. It is unable to pay more."

The proposals, due to take effect from July I, are designed to find extra finance for the costly inter-state super-highway system. They comprise increased taxes on diesel fuel, heavy lorries. tyres. inner tubes and retreading rubber, plus a continuation of the present tax on petrol which, under present legislature, was to have been reduced after June 30.

An-other witness before the committee. appearing on behalf of Cummins Engine Co., of Columbus, Indiana, submitted that the proposed increased tax on diesel fuel " poses the threat of crushing the diesel engine industry" because it is, in effect, a tax on that engine's efficiency.


EXTENSIVE developments are nearing 1--4 completion at the Triplex Fundamental Research Laboratory at Holly Grange, Balsall Common, Warwickshire. These include provision of a new engineering division for the laboratory to service the light-engineering companies of the Triplex group and extensions to the existing heat-treatment laboratory, which includes a new toughening furnace.


AN increase of 689,100 in the number of passengers carried, making the year's total 81,520,000, was reported by Sir Robert Cary. chairman, at the annual meeting of Lancashire United Transport, Ltd., last week.

"Provided costs, and therefore fares, continue to remain stable and services can be relied upon to operate without interruption, I anticipate an upward trend." said Sir Robert. Traffic receipts for the year increased by f.34,000.