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Tank Transporter Speed Decision

12th March 1954, Page 39
12th March 1954
Page 39
Page 39, 12th March 1954 — Tank Transporter Speed Decision
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AN articulated Tank transporter may not be driven over 5 m.p.h. This was the effect of a decision by South Hunsley Beacon magistrates last week, when they announced their verdict in a case in which judgment had been reserved from a hearing at Brough, (The Commercial Motor. January 15).

Raymond George Wiltshire. aged 20, formerly a driver of the Royal Army Service Corps, was charged with driving a Tank transporter over 5 m.p.h. on August 31, 1953. It was admitted that the vehicle was proceeding at 28 m.p.h. and the case resolved itself into whether Wiltshire was entitled to exceed the 5-m.p.h. limit imposed by statutory regulations.

The magistrates thought that a tractor and trailer, not being an articulated vehicle, comprised two vehicles, one motorized and the other not. The exemption for some War Department vehicles specifically referred to motor vehicles.

The defendant was represented by Mr. C. H. Lewis, counsel, of the Treasury Solicitor's Office. He said that the speed of 5 m.p.h. laid down for this type of vehicle was one for which the vehicle was not adapted. A reasonable and safe speed would be 20 m.p.h. The Army were well aware of their public responsibilities and a great deal of time was spent in carrying out snap checks on drivers. Wiltshire was given a conditional discharge on payment of 4s. costs.

NEW T.U.C.C. MEMBERS MOMINATIONS for members of the 1 NI new Transport Users' Consultative Committees, to replace those whose terms of office expire shortly, are to be made to the Ministry of Transport by the Association of Municipal Corporations. Affiliated authorities have been asked to submit names.


AN order for 163 Leyland RT chassis by London Transport will bring the number of post-war Leylands operated by this undertaking to about 2,300. The new vehicles will be 7 it. 6 in. wide, and 132 will have Park Royal bodywork and 31 will have M.C.W. bodies.