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Insp. Barlow for Bramcote

12th June 1970, Page 22
12th June 1970
Page 22
Page 22, 12th June 1970 — Insp. Barlow for Bramcote
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• At the meeting of the RHA security committee on Monday, the chairman, Jack Brown, said that the present reward fund was reaching a low level and that various bodies such as the insurance industry, manufacturers and security companies would be approached for contributions to help continue the work being done on their behalf.

The planning for HOOF ("Hands off our freight") week is gaining momentum, he said: projected are poster campaigns, windscreen stickers and public meetings chaired by eminent people in crime prevention, all culminating on September 6 at the Lorry Driver of the Year competition at Bramcote where there will be a spot-the-lorry competition with a target lorry being trailed and spotted from the air by a helicopter.

Members of the cast of the BBC serial Softly, Softly will arrive by helicopter during the afternoon and "Frank Barlow" will present the prizes for the security competitions.