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Coach and Bus Nen

12th January 1985
Page 21
Page 21, 12th January 1985 — Coach and Bus Nen
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Bruce of Aird defeated

A BID for a road service lic for a Glasgow commuter vice presently operate Bruce of Airdrie under cor to a commuter club has rejected by the Scottish T Commissioners.

The service operates bet Airdrie and Glasgow car around 400 passengers a The purpose of the applici which was opposed by S clyde PTE, Glasgow Di; Council, British Rail and Ea Scottish, was to enable sengers to be picked up the route, particularly in bridge.

The objectors claimed the service would abs 07,000 a year from the E dised rail services. In adc Eastern Scottish would £7,500 a year.

The Commissioners said were convinced that there adequate train and bus sei supported by the regi council.

• Despite heavy oppoF. Transauto Self-Drive Sei of Penn has been g authority to licence eight vices it presently operate der contract to the Che Commuter Club.

The applications were posed by London Regi Transport and the Greater don Council and London C try.