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Build new roads with old land

12th December 1996
Page 28
Page 28, 12th December 1996 — Build new roads with old land
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Iwas interested in the views of Anthony Phillips in Sound Off (CM 21-27 Nov) but no mention is made of the vast amount of land once used by the railways, which is now little used or derelict.

The railways make so little use of their land that if the network was converted into roads it would be used to only 3% of its capacity. Derelict railway land includes such valuable assets as the Woodhead tunnel between the cities of Sheffield and Manchester. Surely this should be pressed into service as a new road?

There are thousands of miles of railway in Britain that could be made into a really comprehensive network of motor roads.

Surely, this is what a densely populated country of 58 million people really needs.

Al Watkinson,
