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D o you make a lot of noise at work? Of

12th December 1996
Page 19
Page 19, 12th December 1996 — D o you make a lot of noise at work? Of
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

course you do, you run trucks for a living! Revving engines, idling reefers, banging and crashing in the workshop—let's face it, road haulage isn't exactly a quiet business. That's all the more reason to think about how much noise you generate and whether it can be heard by your neighbours. While the town plannners may be to blame for allowing your onceisolated yard to be gradually surrounded by houses, you're the one who'll have to deal

with the potential complaints of nuisance. If you don't control your noise you could end up with heavy fines or 0-licence restrictions. Now's the time for some quiet reflection.