The Motor Omnibus World.
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The full report of Mr. Hardy's paper will be found on pages 340 to 347.
It is reported that a new line of motorbuses will shortly be inaugurated between St. Lazare Station and the Place de la R6publique, Paris. This will really mean the revival of an old service which the Metropolitan Railway " killed."
Further M.A.B. Orders.
At the meeting of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, on Saturday last the Ambulance Committee reported that it recommended that the tender of Dennis; Bros., Ltd., to supply two motor omnibuses, each to seat 16 persons inside, for Z'640 each, without tires, and one motor omnibus to seat lo persons inside, for ..60o, without tires, be accepted.—The recommendation was adopted.
Brighton Rejects Tramway Extensions.
It is particularly instructive at the present time, in view of the apparent objection in some local quarters to motorbus traffic, that the Brighton Town Council should reject a proposal for tramway extension, The last meeting of this council, by 41 votes to one, threw out a suggestion that a report should be presented as to its being practicable or otherwise to run trams in 'Western Road, North Street and St. 'James's Street. This short shrift for the tramcar is an indirect encouragement of the motorbus.
Mudguards for Motorbuses. " The Tribune," in its issue of the 7th instant, argues that London omnibus companies should adopt the special , form of mudguard which has been tried in Paris, and which was last illustrated by us in our issue of the 3ist October, page 216. We might point out that this mudguard has not proved altogether satisfactory in the French capital, where it has proved to be subject to excessive damage through contact with kerbstones. The Brussels method of enclosing each wheel would seem more satisfactory, although we demur to the view that the motorbus is as offensive in respect of the dispersal of mud as is the horse-drawn omnibus....
In Liquidation.
Mr. Justice Parker, in the Chancery Division, on the all instant, appointed a receiver and manager of the business and assets of the All-British Chassis Bus Company, Limited.
In the " London Gazette "of the 3rd December, notice is given that, at extraordinary general meetings of the " Pilot " and the " Arrow " Motor Omnibus Companies, resolutions were passed that the companies be wound up voluntarily. Mr. H. T. Holmes, of 366, Wilmot Street, Bethnal Green, E., was appointed liquidator in each case. A similar resolution was passed at an extraordinary meeting of the Motor Cab Supply Co., Ltd., when Mr. Henry Bacon, of 62, London Wall, E.C., was appointed liquidator. Fare Revision.
The progress of the negotiations in regard to the revision of fares in London has been traced by us, according to our exclusive information from both sides, since our issue of the 20th June last, and the course of events so outlined is the only published synopsis which is properly authenticated. The official changes will take effect on Sunday next, the 15th instant, and they will principally affect the East and West routes, the new basis being approximately a fare of id. per mile. Anybody who chooses to trace the various steps may refer to the following pages : Vol. V, pages 383, 433, 503, 518, and 565; and Vol, VI, pages 141, 547, 201, 247, 271, 289 and 310.
The Kronheim-Zechlin Wheel.
On paying a visit to the Berlin Motor Show, opened by Prince Henry on the sth, our Berlin Correspondent found some Kronheim-Zechlin motorbus wheels on view. We referred to this invention in the issue of the 28th November, and we are now able to give a sectional illustration of the tire. Although these wheels had covered about 5,000 miles, and had tackled some of the greatest apologies for roads about Berlin, they looked little the worse for the ordeal ; the heads of the rivets were a bit scored and worn, but otherwise the tread was sound enough, the rubber, which does not come in contact with the road at all, but simply plays the part of shockabsorber, being, of course, intact. The wheels at present turned out weigh some 7 cwt. each, but lighter ones are to be manufactured for omnibus work. The wheel intended for the delivery van weighs only 8o lb. Messrs. Kronheim and Zechlin's invention seems to be attracting a lot of attention from bodies running public and commercial vehicles. We note, for instance, that a " Bedag " (Berlin Electric Cab Co.) has been fitted with a pair, and the Essen Fire Brigade is also giving the invention a trial. Engineer Otto, of the Berlin Motorbus-Gesellschaft, appears to be quite satisfied with the economical aspects of the wheel, which he put to a severe test. As the tire account per omnibus of this company anidthits to .Z:,600 a year, a saving in this item is of vital importance to the concern.
There is a probability of Dusiburg and Homburg being linked up by a motorbus service to be worked by the Railway Board, which purposes to supplement and improve the railway traffic by such a line.
South American Buses.
The Mayor of Rio de Janeiro has acquired four motor ambulance wagons, which can also be used for carrying police officers. The vehicles which have bus bodies, have an internalseating capacity of twelve passengers, the stretcher hanging in the middle. A complete first-aid outfit is stowed away in every wagon. The chassis are i6-2oh.p. Lorraine-Dietrich.
Polyphase Alternating Current.
In view of our belief in the merits of polyphase, alternating-current induction motors, in connection with the problem of petrol-electric systems for road vehicles, we are interested to learn that Professor C. L. de Muralt, who has been appointed consulting engineer for the Arlberg division of the Austrian State Railways, has decided to equip this section with three-phase, alternating-current locomotives, on the ground that this type is more powerful for any given weight than either the directcurrent or single-phase types. It seems that the specification requires that an output of 3,000h.p. shall be given from a locomotive Weighing not more than 6o tons, and so such locomotives are to be ordered : they will be more powerful than any steam locomotives available. The section of the line in question is about 140 miles long, with a maximum gradient of 3.14 per cent, on the east side of the tunnel.
Isle of Wight Bases.
At a meeting held on Monday last, it was decided that the Isle of Wight Express Motor Syndicate, Limited, should be voluntarily wound up. In 1906 a loss of £3,360 was experienced, and, in the following year, there was a further loss of 4-2,700. The latter figure, however, includes a sum of 492o which was paid on account of the 1905 and 1906 trading, so that the net loss for 1907 was actually ,4'1',800. The bank has appointed a receiver under a debenture for ;6t,000, which was held as security by it for a loan. It is estimated that the disposal of the rollingstock, etc., will provide sufficient to pay off the debentures and satisfy the creditors in full. The chassis are all 283oh.p. Manes-Daimlers, a type which the company should be able to dispose of to good advantage. The affairs of the company have been managed, during the summer of 1907, by Mr. Douglas Mackenzie, and, as the realisation of the assets on behalf of the debenture holders and creditors is to be carried out in a friendly spirit for the benefit of all parties, he has been appointed, in addition to his position as general manager, as the receiver and liquidator. Those desirous of securing good, second-hand omnibus chassis, for public-service or lorry work, will do well to communicate with him.
Motor Omnibus World—con. Motorbus Alteration.
No. 3 Vanguard service has recently been extended to Victoria, via Hyde Park Corner. The London General Omnibus Company's route, from Turn_ ham Green to Hornsey Rise, has been shortened, the vehicles going no further West than Kensington.
A Bonus on Liquidation.
The successful issue of the liquidation of the Torquay and District Motor Omnibus Company, Limited, must come as a surprise to people who have been unsuccessful in motorbus finance. The whole of the paid-up capital, amounting to £5,000, has been returned to the shareholders; dividends of 7?,-; per cent. per annum have been distributed from the conimencement of the company's business ; and there is now a winding-up bonus of more than 8. per cent, on the original capital, In addition, the vehicles which produced this successful result, a fleet of Clarkson steam omnibuses, are doing good work at Harrogate in the service of the company which purchased them from their original owners. Council. The promoters have now intimated that they have no intention ofplying for hire in congested streets, or of entering into competition with the services already established for the convenience of the public. It is to be hoped that a speedy settlement will result.
North of Scotland Services.
The Great North of Scotland Railway Company has not yet decided, whether it will establish a motorbus service between Turriff and Strichen, or Brucklay, in connection with which matter we have fully reported the attitude of the Deer and Turriff District Committees of the Aberdeen County Council, as regards indemnity against claims for extraordinary traffic.
Port Talbot Company.
The London and Port Talbot Motor Company, Limited, whose registration. we reported on the 28th ultimo, intends to purchase single-deck vehicles with aload-carrying capacity of 12 passengers and luggage. It is estimated that the yearly takings per omnibus will be about 41,065, and that there will be a: working profit of about --500 per vehicle per annum. These figures strike us as rather optimistic, although we have, little, 'doubt that a good future lies before.!'the company, having regard to the needs of the Aberavon, Cwinavon and Taibach district, if careful management ensues. The result of the issue is not announced yet.