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k Stockport lorry driver was warded £50 costs against the

12th August 1977
Page 5
Page 5, 12th August 1977 — k Stockport lorry driver was warded £50 costs against the
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olice after a prosecution was lismissed by Manchester City 4agistrates, this week.

Police officers said they ound an articulated vehicle, 'riven by Peter Kenyon, in Princess Road, Manchester. It [speared to have knocked own one lampost, badly amaged another and shed art of its load of small oil rums. Some of the drums had urst and covered the road vith oil.

The tarpaulin was partially emoved and flapping in the reeze, the ropes had snapped, nd the rest of the load was anging over the nearside of Fie platform.

Jonathan Lawton, defendtg, said the only conclusion 'tat could be drawn was that he vehicle, or parts of its load, ad struck the first lampost. 'he driver had told the police: The camber got at the vehi