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Operators Build Heavy Recovery Outfit

11th September 1953
Page 47
Page 47, 11th September 1953 — Operators Build Heavy Recovery Outfit
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rAVING been taken off -delivery ,work by Ushers Wiltshire Brewery, Trowbridge. a 1947 Dennis Max of 144{.6-in. Wheelbase has been iverted into a breakdown tender that able to undertake almost any overy task. The vehicle was built and painted by the operators'staff to the design of Mr. E. W. Preston, transport engineer.

The wheelbase was reduced to 11 ft. 6 in. Heavier rear springs, a power take-off and cross-country rear tyres were fitted. A Harvey Frost 5-ton double-jib crane was transferred tram an older tender, The rear side panels are hinged to 'allow the crane to traverse.

A large timber-hauling winch driven from the power take-off and a heavyduty. H.F. ambulance give the outfit a wide sphere of usefulness in salvage on and off the road.

Recovery gear is carried in side lockers, or in a covered compartment behind the cab, where there is a work bench and a seat for a third man in addition to the two -seated in the cab. The equipment includes •portable searchlights.

The body was built on an oak underframe, with ash side.rails, and PIVmax panels which sweep in bold curves from the roof of the cab to skirt level. Heavy steel floor plates were laid in the region of the crane.

Ushers have a medium-sized fleet in which E.R.F. vehicles figure promin

ently. Weight has been kept to the minimum by the use of light-alloy bodywork, in which is included • a number of features designed by Mr. Preston.