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Birmingham Lose £331,799

11th September 1953
Page 31
Page 31, 11th September 1953 — Birmingham Lose £331,799
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

rt LOSS of £331,799 could have been avoided by Birmingham Transport )epartment last year if fares had been Icreased to the average in other cities. he loss, however, was nearly £60,000 as than the year before.

In .1949-50 the undertaking made a rofit of £141,151, but in the three icceeding years a loss had been :corded. Last year's loss resulted in n accumulated deficiency of £722,107.

Mr. J. P Eames, city treasurer, lames the loss on unexpected increased ay awards to transport staff.

The department's financial difficulties mild, stated Mr. Eames, have been entirely avoided" by charging fares at the general average applying. to .ansport undertakings." "Under the xisting fare structure it is still possible ) travel 31 miles for 4d., compared ,ith 3.02 miles in Liverpool, 3.17 in fanehester, and 2.92 miles at a charge f 44d. in Coventry."