leveland :once!
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:LEVELAND TRANSIT has ad to cancel an announced rder for Ailsa Mark 2 doubleeck buses because the Nor. hem Counties bodies Ailsas ave roofs which are too high or local operating conditions.
To lower the Ailsa frame to fleet operating conditions denanding a 14ft 2in roof cleaance, low-profile tyres would lave to have been fitted. This n turn would have made the ;round clearance too low for 21eveland operating requirenents.
As it is now impossible for :he Northern Counties-bodied kilsa to be built to Cleveland ;pecifications, it is likely that :he authority will now transfer .ts chassis order to the Guildford-based Hestair Dennis company for Dennis Dominator rear-engined chassis.
The Cleveland requirement is for between 24 and 32 buses for delivery in 1981 and 1982. Cleveland Transit's current double-decker is the Leyland Fleetline but as the end of Fleetline production is imminent, the operator decided to look elsewhere.