T ruck crime is a major problem for commercial vehicle operators
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nationwide. According to a survey from the RAC and Road Haulage Association it could be costing the industry as much as El .6bn a year, with some 70% of hauliers Falling victim. Cht's Truck Theft Action Pack (pictured), produced in association with the RHA and Iveco Ford, tells you how to help prevent your truck from being next on the thieves' hit list—and what to do if you become a victim. Information is included on vehicle systems and depot security with a vehicle-detail recording card and list of local crime prevention officers.
Being a victim could cost you thousands of pounds—fighting back with our theft pack will cost you just 29.95 (plus £2.35 P&P). Order yours from CM's ancillary sales dept, PO Box 935, Finchingfield, Braintree, Essex CM7 41.N, phone (01371) 810433.