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Phone alone

11th January 1996
Page 22
Page 22, 11th January 1996 — Phone alone
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

ivt obile phones provide poor service, with almost a ivt obile phones provide poor service, with almost a

quarter of subscribers dissatisfied, and calls are steeply overpriced, according to a report due to be published by e Consumers' Association in March. This cannot come as good news (although it might surprise no one) to the haulage industry, and to owner-drivers in particular, who have become dependent on the promised revolution in communications.

Call me old fashioned, but I've always had my suspicions about these toys which seem to have replaced personal stereos as the fad of the nineties.

If I'm out and about, and have a call to make, I jolly well wait until I find a traditional red telephone box with the homely aromas that greet you upon opening its door, and the Bakelite telephone receiver with its full set of 1973 Home Counties telephone directories stacked neatly alongside. (What's wrong with that? They've closed them all down—Ed).