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0-licence report delay

11th January 1996
Page 11
Page 11, 11th January 1996 — 0-licence report delay
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A Government report on the number of hauliers running without 0-licences is being delayed for the second successive month. The Department of Transport says the further delay is due to extra checking of the statistics.

Road safety minister Steven Norris said last year that if the survey showed more than 2% of trucks were running without 0-licences then legislation would be introduced in January to allow illegal trucks to be impounded (CM 2-8 Nov 1995). That target is now unlikely to be met.

The report was first due to be published in mid-November, after the Vehicle Inspectorate's early October check on 2,000 commercial vehicles.

Mary Williams, director of lorry safety campaign Brake, says:

"We urgently need an answer from the Government on the result of its survey. It's a good three months since it was conducted." Brake says it has no doubt that more than 2% of hauliers are running without 0licences and believes the figure is closer to 5%.