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Free Service Run For 18 Months : Now No Licence

11th February 1955
Page 43
Page 43, 11th February 1955 — Free Service Run For 18 Months : Now No Licence
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FOR 18 months, Messrs. Mulleys Motorways, Bury St. Edmunds, have been providing free week-end travel from London to Bury St. Edmunds and return for students and servicemen. The service has been run for three out of four week-ends each month, and between 11 and 15 young people have used it.

Their parents asked Messrs. Mulleys to run a regular week-end service, for which they wished to pay. The firm applied for a licence and proposed to charge 7s. single and 12s. 6d. return. Comparable return Tail fares were 24s. 10d. via Cambridge and 28s. via Ipswich. Expenditure of this order was out of the question for the passengers and their parents.

The Ea st Midland Licensing Authority said he was satisfied that a case had been made out for the proposed service, but he refused Messrs. Mulleys' application. He asked the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., to extend their services accordingly, and to make an immediate application to do so. He fixed the fare at 14s. 6d. return.

Messrs. Mulleys are appealing against this decision, and have taken up the matter with ' the Monopolies Commission.


THE Morris 5-cwt. van, which embodies many features of the Morris Minor, is now being delivered with the restyled radiator grille and facia panel of the type introduced on the Morris Minor at the 1954 Earls Court Motor Show.

The instruments are now all included in a single dial containing speedometer, mileage recorder and fuel gauge with warning lights for oil, ignition and high beam. The controls are mounted under the dial where they are within easy reach of the driver. On each side of them is a large locker.


ONGEST-SERVING member in the ki West Midlands, Mr. W. A. Standicy, of Chance Bros., Ltd., has been appointed chairman of the Birmingham Area of the Traders' Road Transport Association. He has been a member for 29 years.

The vice-chairmen are Mr. C. W. Blythe (Rover Co., Ltd.), Mr. J. W. G. Brazill (Mitchells and Butlers, Ltd.), and Mr. F. G. Chater (Accics and Pollock, Ltd.). Honorary secretary is Mr, F. Assinder (Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.).


A RECOMMENDATION that Mr. 2-1 D. E. Bell should be engaged to investigate all aspects of the transport undertaking was approved by West Hartlepool Transport Committee, last week. Mr. Bell, whose fee is £375, is a former general manager of the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co., Ltd.