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Orders for 145 buses and trolley-. buses were received by Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd., Coventry, during the first three days. of February. This is the largest number of vehicles ordered in such a period by more than one operator since the company was formed as a; subsidiary of the Daimler concern 18 months ago. The total value of the orders exceeds £250,000.
Birmingham Corporation has ordered 100 buses, which will bring its fleet of Daimlers up to 721, whilst Newcastle Corporation, which already operates 78 buses of this make, has ordered a further 25, and the authori.ties. at Wolverhampton are increasing their fleet from 34 to 46. In all, 35 municipalities in Great Britain are now operating Daimler bus fleets.
361,000 Driving Licences in London.
The London County Council's Public Control Committee reports that nearly 361,000 driving licences, including over
• 62,000 provisional licences, were issued . the administrative County. of London during the year ended November 30, 1937, an increase of more than 25,000 over the number issued during the previous 12 months. Since June 1, 1935, when driving tests came into force, over 50,000 motorists in London have passed tests, 19,750 passing during the year in question.
The total number of endorsements made on licences during the year was 19,803. Of these, 15,548 were for excessive speed.
Coal-petrol Plan for South Africa.
The production of petrol and oil' from coal in South Africa's vast mines is being considered as a means for cutting .down supplies imported into the dominion. Professor Franz Fischer, the famous German chemical engineer, is visiting the Union. While he is in Johannesburg, arrangements have been made for him to meet industrialists, who are interested in oil production.
If the negotiations be successful, a plant costing £3,000,000 will be erected somewhere in the coal area of the Transvaal.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetty named, from Feb. 11-19 inclusive :—Docxs : King George V, 3; Royal Albert, 9; Royal Victoria, 2; 'Surrey Commercial, 5; East India, 2; West India, 2; South-West India, 5; Tilbury, 8; Tilbury Stage, 2; Millwall, 4; London, 2. WHARVES: Hay's, 6; Mark Brown's,.!. Tilbury Jetty, 1.
Buyer, of 156 A.E.C.s in Two Years.
The London Brick Co., Ltd., bougnt its first A.E.C. vehicle two years ago, and, when it takes delivery of a fleet ef -,60 new machines of this make, it will have no fewer than 156 A.E.0 s in commission. The vehicles recently ordered comprise 50 Monarch and 10 Mammoth Major eight-wheelers, all of the oil-engined type.