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Fined for Running Football Trips

11th August 1950, Page 33
11th August 1950
Page 33
Page 33, 11th August 1950 — Fined for Running Football Trips
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ACASE which, it was stated, would have a far-reaching effect on the coach industry, was heard at South Shields when Messrs. Taylor Bros., bus proprietors, of North Shields, were fined £2, with £2 2s. costs, for offences concerning contract carriages. A stay of execution for 14 days was granted.

Mr. Barry lanes, prosecuting for the Licensing Authority, stated that from November last year, Messrs. Taylor Bros, in conjunction with Mr. Richards S. Bowers, a barber of South Shields, had been organizing Saturday afternoon trips to Sunderland and Newcastle for football matches. He alleged that strangers had been allowed to travel. Each passenger was charged 2s. and tickets were in the form of a slip of paper marked, "Bowers' Bus."

Mr. Jones said that trips to football matches were not special occasions within the meaning of the Road Traffic Act, because of their frequency, and Messrs. Taylor should have obtained a licence.

The defendants denied the charge and contended that it was a case of private hire for a specific journey, at an agreed rate for the bus and driver.


cORMERLY an entertainment hall, the new City. Road • Garage, Glasgow, which has 55,000 sq, ft., of floor, space, has been acquired by Sales.and Service, Ltd., for use as a service Station. The most modern apparatus will be installed, bringing the total capital expenditure to well over £100,000.

When the station is opened in a few weeks, all-night service will be given.


THE regulations which provide for compensation for ex-ernployees of the British Transport Commission have now been published by the Stationery Office at 4d. They are known as The Controlled Bodies (Compensation to Employees) Regulations, 1950, and they came into operation on August. 8.

The Re-Cord Tyre Co., Ltd., has opened a depot at South Row, Meadow Lane, Leeds, IL and another at 46, Lower Sydney Street. Bristol, 3.