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Accessories and Sundry Exhibits.

11th April 1907, Page 26
11th April 1907
Page 26
Page 27
Page 26, 11th April 1907 — Accessories and Sundry Exhibits.
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Some of the stands allotted to accessories and component parts were in an unfinished state on the opening day, but an improvement was noticeable on Monday. Judging from the standpoint of a general survey, actual novelties are few, although there is a growing tendency to improve upon the designs of accessories shown in former years, especially with regard to freedom from damage and fractures engendered by the vibration set up when vehicles are travelling along the highways on solid-rubber or iron tires.


Gratze Patents and Engineering Syndicate, Limited, Whitfield Street, W. (Stand No. 33,, G.allery).—Various specimens of the company's patent speed indicator are staged, and these can be obtained to register up to rto miles per hour, if necessary. Different sizes of the Gratze improved Plant6 acetimulators are exhibited, also springball contact breakers and current distributors.

The Cowey Engineering Company, Limited, Station Avenue, Kew Gardens, S.W. (Stand No. 284, Gallery).—The speed indicator manufactured under these patents require no attention, even after long use, whilst they are simple in construction, and the needle is free i-oiss vibration when registering. The recording speed indicator is similar in lesign to the afore-mentioned, but has an attachment whereby the speed of the 3revious half-mile covered is accurately recorded on a dial.

S. Smith and Son, Limited, Strand, IV.C. (Stand No. 325, Gallery).—The !xhibits include the " Perfect" speed inBeater, milometers, taximeters, lamps, electric horns, and many other forms of -ecording instruments more suited to )Ieasure vehicles. The type " No. 12 " nilometer is intended to be affixed to he wheel cap,. and records tenths of a nile up to a total of To,000 miles. The -ecorder is guaranteed to register with.n an error of i per cent. of the distance :overed. A new taximeter will shortly be placed upon the market, but de-ails are not at present ready, though :he price will be about £12 12S. Users sf this company's instruments always ;peak of them in the highest terms.


Frank Morris, Limited, King's Lynn, Norfolk (Stand Na. 184, Minor Hall).— 3eyerai examples of gears and cornponmts are on view, and these are made in Efferent types for delivery vans and leavy vehicles. Aluminium radiators are also manufactured, and a few models arc on exhibition. The top and )ottom portions of these radiators can )e removed for cleaning out purposes viten necessary. The company makes speciality of taking out existing lowsowered engines, from old van and )ther chassis, and replacing these by nore powerful engines. In this way,. arly types of vehicles can be made nore efficient for their work, and a reasonable cost to the owners. Smith, Parfrey and Company, Limited, Pimlico Wheel Works, Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, W. (Stand No. 297, Gallery).—In addition to the excellent display of various types of wheels, the company exhibits numerous components, such as back and front axles, springs, steering arms, hubs, and. the like. A large plant has recently been laid down for the production Of motor parts of every description. Electric welding is a speciality, as is also the construction of heavy or light wheels to the buyer's specification. Owners of vans, wagons or omnibuses, who are unable to inspect this stand, should not fail to note the company's address, and to obtain one of its catalogues.

Mons. Charles Vermot, Forges de Chatenois (Territoire de Belfort), France (Stand No. 300, Gallery).Some excellent examples of both heavy and light axles are on view, and, in addition, numerous different types of hubs, both in bail-bearing and plain patterns. A special type of ball-bearing steering axle is made in which the centre of the wheel, in a vertical plane, is brought close to the pivot that holds the arm to the main portion of the axle. This form allows a comparatively short arm to be employed, and, at the same time, makes the act of steering more easy than would otherwise be the case. The finish of the various components will gain the approval of engineers who make an inspection of them, and the British agent is M. C. Fonteyn, 76, istewman Street, W.

Fire Extinguishers.

Sinclair and Company, Eldon Street, Finsbury, E.C. (Stand No. 329, Gallery).—.A new extinguisher is shown, which has been specially designed for coping with fires caused by the fusing of electrical cables. The apparatus consists of a metal cylinder, which is charged with a powder, no water or other liquid being employed. In the case of a fire, it is only necessary to remove the cap at the top of the casing, and to fling its contents. on the flames. The company is widely known for its chemical fire-extinguishers, which are made in many types, and for all purposes.

A chemical fire-engine, with a capacity of 20 gallons, also finds a place on the stand. This machine is a similar model to those which have been sueplied to the Ordnance Department, at Woolwich, and elsewhere,

The Valor Company, Limited, Aston Cross, Birmingham (Stand No. 292, Gallery).—Many types of the wellknown " New Era " chemical fire-extinguishers are disalayed, both painted and finished in polished copper. The company's " 02 " pattern may he seen upon most of the public-service vehicles running in the Metropolis, as well as in many of the caeriages belonging to the different " tubes." In fact, it is a difficult matter to find many large business undertakings who do not use some type or another of this make, and most large garages are ecuipped with them. The steel apparatus are coated with pure lead to prevent corrosion, and all are hydraulically tested to a pressure ot 350 pounds on the square inch. A special" Squat" pattern is also manufactured for use on light delivery vans and pleasure cars. Large stocks of all patterns are kept, so that quick delivery can be given.


The Prested Miner's Gas Indicating Electric Lamp Conbpany, Limited, Elthorne Road, Holloway, N. (Stand No. 328, Gallery).—Numerous examples of batteries and coils as made for some of the leading motorbus companies are on view. The batteries are specially designed to withstand vibration, and the use of celluloid is discarded in their manufacture. Other electrical sundries are also shown, including electric lamps for the lighting of vehicle interiors.

Mr. J. A. Ryley, Martineau Street, Birmingham (Stand No. 200, Gallery). —The stand is replete with electrical sundries for all purposes connected with ignition, and there is, in addition, a representative display of other accessories, such as jacks, horns, petrol filters, small tools, speed indicators, etc. The Sthen.os carburetter is also on view in its 1907 form ; it has been altered in a few details for the present season. This carburetter is entirely automatic when at work, and, owing to its simplicity, there is no part which is liable to get out of order. A new form of the " Vita " plug designed for use with high-tension magneto may be seer, here, and a neat form of distributor.

Steel Barrels.

The Steel Barrel Company, Limited, Uxbridge (Stand No. 267, Gallery).— Various examples of the application of electric welding are exhibited. These include : drums ; barrels ; petrol tanks ; storage tanks ; and a 25-gallon petrol measuring tank for use in a motorbus garage, or work of a similar nature. Theadvantages claimed for this method of constructing barrels and tanks, over other systems, is that leakage is rendered practically impossible, whilst the " life " of the vessel is immensely lengthened owing to the strength of the different joints. In fact, the word joint is a misnomer, because the edges of the two adjacent pieces which are being joined are actually melted and, therefore, become integral with each other. The company, apart from its large business in new containing vessels, is able to effect the most remarkable repairs by its weldinesystem, and on a reasonable scale of charges.


Drummond Brothers, Ltd., Rydes Hill, Guildford (Stand No. 127, Main Hall).—This company's most attractive exhibit is to be found just as one passes in to the Main Hall from the Entrance Arcade. The selection of small lathes is a captivating one, and the stand contains also an example of the firm's small shaping machine.

The sizes on view range only from A to 6 inches. The 6-inch workman's lathe is arranged for sliding, boring, and screw cutting ;"it is fitted with rising pieces to head, tail, stocks, and slide rest, and has a capacity of swinging up to 18 inches over the bed.


Messrs. The Stern-Sonneborn Oil Company, Royal London House, Finsbury Square, E.C. (Stand No. 7, Arcade).—Upwards of 14 specialities are shown upon the stand. These include " Moto-sternol " gear oil, " Clutchofine," and various guaranteed types of oils and greases for general motor work. An oil is also prepared for use in the Hele-Shaw multiple-disc clutch.

Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd. (Stand No. 24, Arcade).—This company's several classes of gas-engine oil are shown to advantage, together with a good selection of greases and other lubricants. All of these enjoy a great vogue with users of commercial motors. A collection of testing instruments will be noted with much interest by the visitor who is scientifically minded.

Messrs. Carless, Capel, and Leonard, Hackney Wick, N.E. (Stand No. 12, _Arcade).—The exhibits include : samples of standard petrol, sp. gr. 0.700; gasolene, sp. gr. 0.657; motor spirit, sp, gr. 0.740; and Borneo motor spirit, ep, gr. 0.760. The "Lighthouse," Pilot," and " Phoebus " brands of oils are also shown : these are respectively suited for lighting, heating, and fuel purposes. Other brands sold by the firm are " Carline," " S " lubricating oil, and lubricants for gas engines.

Vacuum Oil Company, Limited, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. (Stand No. 302, Gallery).—The oils and greases of this company are so well known that it is unnecessary to do more than mention that samples of every type of " Mobil'oil" find a place upon the stand. The company is making a special feature of supplying lubricants to buyers' own formulae, although the standard grades which are marketed are suitable for all ordinary requirements, whether it be for cylinders, gear-box, grease cups, or -clutch leathers. It is evident that a very large trade is being done, in all parts of the country, by this company.

The Bowring Petroleum Company, Limited, Lime Street Square, E.C. (Stand No. 326, Gallery).-Various " All's Well " specialities find a place upon this stand. The types include cylinder oils, for steam engines, and eetrol engines, gear-box oil, and others. Special grades of lubricants are manufactured for use with Lanehester and svith Turner-Miesse vehicles. The corn pany lays great stress upon the necessity of avoiding over-feeding of oil into crank chambers, but, if this is not capable of being easily regulated, buyers are recommen.ded to use " No. 4 " motor oil, which will be found to eliminate smoky exhaust to a great extent.

An Interesting Lubricator.

Messrs. S. Swan and Company, Pentonvble Road, King's Cross, N. (Stand No. 314, Gallery).—Among the exhibits which find a place upon this stand may be mentioned a patent lubricator for petrol engines. The cylindrical reservoir, which is carried in a box on one of the foot-boards, contains a piston and a piston-rod ; the latter is prolonged to the outside of the cylinder, where it terminates in a handle. A strong spring is interposed between the piston and the end of the cylinder through which the piston-rod passes, and thus tends to force the piston forward. The other end of the cylinder is provided with a tube which is connected to the body of a series of sight-feeds on the dash. In practice, the nandle is drawn back, thus compressing the spring in the cylinder, and thb lubricating oil is introduced through a plug-hole, the plug for which is afterwards screwed down before the handle is released. The spring-loaded piston forces the oil in front of it, up the tube and through the sight-feeds. The apparatus on view holds a gallon of oil, and is fitted with a recorder to register the amount of oil used.

The Schultze Manograph.

Mr. W. S. Searle, Street, Regent Street, W. (Stand No. 287, Gallery).—The most interesting item on this stand is a Seh.ulze manograph. which is attached to a Barriquand and

Marre engine. This instrument is a meet useful addition to the plant of any engineering works which makes, or repairs, internal-combustion motors. The principle involved is based upon the deflection of a ray of light, reflected by a mirror, and thrown Upon a ground glass. Arrangements are provided whereby a photograph can be made from the image, or indicator diagram, which appears on the ground glass, F+0 that a permanent reCord can be kept of engir1e tests. The heparatus, complete for testing a four-cylinder engine, costs about 4:6o. The Schulze manograph is reed in the works of many of the English and foreign manufactories of internal-combustion motors.


The space in which this section of our report has to be brought to a conclusion, in order to enable us to deal briefly with the wheel and tire exhibits, is not sufficient for us to make further detail references, although we may have occasion hereafter to describe some of the exhibits at length in Other connections. There are, however, a few more stands to which we must drect the attention of visitors, and these, with the stand numbers and principal exhibits, are the following :— ARCADE.—Mr. R. 1,V. Conn (Nos. and 2), aluminium castings ; J. C. Lyell and Co., Ltd. (No. 16), the " Clair " silencer ; Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd. (No. 17), all classes of motor insurance, workmen's and domestic insurances, etc.; Joseph Kaye and Sons, Ltd. (No. 23), locomotive and other oilers; and Rushmore Lamps, Ltd. (Nos. 27 and 28), powerful acetylene and electric searchlights.


GALLERY.—Harry W. Cox, Ltd. (No. 190), ignition apparatus ; F. B. Hill and Co., Ltd. (No. 202), fireextinguishing applialices ; Sharpe's Universal Patents, Co., Ltd. (No. 233), silencers ; J. and R. Oidfield (No. 246), lamps and lenses ; Fastnut, Ltd. (No. 268), patent washer for holding nuts ; Standard Metal Engraving Co. (No. 277), name plates ; C. Baker and Co., Ltd. (Nos. 278 and 279), drivers' and other motor clothing; John Muir and Son (No. 296), pig--skin tires and special hubs ; W. G. Nixey (No. 313), emery cloth and powder ; and the General Accident and Assurance Corporation, Ltd. (No. 316), all accident insurances.

To Avoid Delays.

The Stepney Spare Motor Wheel, ltd., Llanelly (Stand Na. 275, Gallery), is showing examples with a new and improved strap without buckle, which !,till further simplifies the method of attachment.

Over io,oco of these wheels are in use at the present time, and the attach. ment has been adopted by the Wat Office. The device consists of a rim which is an exact replica of those fitted upon the ordinary wheels of the car; and this special rim is fitted with a tube and an outer cover ready for use. Foul clips are attached to the spare wheel, or rim, in such a manner that, should one of the running tires burst, the spare rim can be quickly hooked inte the. outer curved edge of the rim upor which is the damaged tire, and screwed firmly in position in two ot three minutes. All those who have undergone the painful experience of re. pairing a badly-damaged tire by the wayside will appreciate the many advantages of the attachment.