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Demonstration Vans for Portable Electric Tools

10th September 1937
Page 42
Page 42, 10th September 1937 — Demonstration Vans for Portable Electric Tools
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AS a maker of a wide range of portable electric tools, Black and Decker, Ltd., Slough, has a big reputation, and the company markets a useful series of products which find favour in a number of branches of the commercialvehicle industry. So that many of its tools can be demonstrated first-hand, the company has recently placed in service three Ford light vans, two of which are equipped in accordance with the picture published on this page, whilst the other is fitted out for minor servicing work on the spot.

Included among the equipment carried is the well-known Vibro-centric kit for rapid valve grinding and for engine

reconditioning to .00025-in. accuracy. The Automatic Vitrification unit is also installed; this is claimed to be a most effective appliance for general polishing and rubbing work, and the demonstration vans provide a good opportunity for testing and proving its efficiency. The B. and D. sander, carbon-removing set, and a series of drills, including the new Junior line, also occupy a prominent place among the lines that are available for demonstration.

These mobile demonstration outfits should serve a distinctly useful purpose and afford operators add garage owners an opportunity of ascertaining how certain motorengineering work can be efficiently and economically executed by the use of modern plant.