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Tempo 100 Rules To Stay?

10th October 1981
Page 12
Page 12, 10th October 1981 — Tempo 100 Rules To Stay?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

AFTER four years of the German Tempo 100 trial — requiring special dispensation for each vehicle complying with equipment and safety standards — and now involving over 50 per cent of all coaches. registered in the country (as well as practically every modern psr transiting or visiting from other countries) the findings of the authorities have not produced any evidence of adverse effects or operating safety.

Nor has there been a marked change in the traffic pattern or fue consumption. Nonetheless, despite repeated parliamentary in tervention by the Minister of Economy for Hessen, who wants tc abolish the special licensing requirements and make the rules k* permanent feature, the Government has indicated that a final deci sion will not be taken before 1983.

In the meantime, the economic effect of higher road servic( speeds on Bundesbahn rail facilities is to be further investigated The 12,000 coaches and buses already licensed under Tempo 10( rules will be automatically relicensed while all new psv now cominc into service will also be permitted to operate at the higher speed.