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Lacuna in Road. Traffic Act

10th November 1950
Page 37
Page 37, 10th November 1950 — Lacuna in Road. Traffic Act
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GIV1NG judgment in a police appeal against a decision of Mr. N. L. Macaskie, K.C., the Sheffield Recorder, the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Goddard, pointed to an "unintentional lacuna" in the Road Traffic Act.

Last December, Messrs. Taylor and Marriott, hauliers, were fined and disqualified for 12 months for using a vehicle without third-party insurance. On appeal to the Quarter Sessions, the Recorder removed the disqualification.

Revoking the Recorder's decision, Lord Goddard stated that the reimposed disqualification could run for 12 months only from the date of conviction. He said that it was to be hoped that an alteration in the law would be made so that when a court of appeal imposed a penalty of disqualification, it would run from the date of decision, and not from the date of conviction.