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Lorry Driver Eliminating Contests

10th March 1961, Page 61
10th March 1961
Page 61
Page 61, 10th March 1961 — Lorry Driver Eliminating Contests
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:OUR more dates for eliminating con tests for the Lorry Driver of the (ear competition were announced this week. They are: Southend, June 25; (ork, July 9; Slough, July 16; Plymouth, uly 16. Only two centres, Portsmouth ind Stepney, have yet to announce the lates of their contests. There is also, it vas announced, a chance that an iliminating contest will he held this year n Maidstone.

The following is a complete list of ientres and dates of the competition, ogether with names and addresses of the trganizing secretaries, Leeds: June 25. insp. G. H. Hemmingway, Police Headquarters, Municipal 3ttildings, Leeds, 1.

Manchester: June 18. A. L. Mac7Tarlane, Road Safety Officer, Town Hall, vlanchester, 2.

York: July 9. Mr. R. T. Oxtoby, )xtobys, Piccadilly and Castle Mills 3ridge, York.

Newcastle upon Tyne: June 11. Mr. 41offitt, City Engineer's Department. [own Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Birmingham: May 14. Mrs. E. M. 2ollins, Room S. Central Hall, Corporaion Street, Birmingham, 4. Coventry: June 11. Mr. M. J. Miles, Road Safety Officer, Council House, Coventry.

Oxford: July 9. Mr. H. J. Wall, Road Safety Organizer, Town Hall, Oxford, Stoke-on-Trent: July 16. Mr. H. Taylor. Town Clerk, Town Hall, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs.

Leicester: July 23. Mr. A. Payne, Paynes Garages, Ltd., Hill Street. Hinckley, Leics.

Portsmouth: No date fixed. Sgt. B Hale, Police Headquarters, P.O. Box No 1, Portsmouth.

Slough: July 16. Mr. E. S. Wilson, Road Safety Officer, Town Hall, Slough. Bucks.

Southend: June 25. Mr. E. J. Barber, 109-113 London Road,..South Benfleet, Essex.

Plymouth: July 16. Mr. R. Flory, W. Mumford, Ltd., Mill Street, Plymouth.

Weymouth: April 15, Mr. F. G. Purbrick, 397 Dorchester Road, Weymouth.

Stepney: No date fixed. Mr. E. Chandler, 227-223 Commercial Road, Stepney, E.1.

Lorry Driver of the Year Moat: September 17. Fort Dunlop.