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Heavyweight Flier

10th March 1961, Page 61
10th March 1961
Page 61
Page 61, 10th March 1961 — Heavyweight Flier
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RE-OPERAT1ONAL trials with the

Norde " motorway " articulated ehicle, built by the North Derbyshire 'Ingineering Co., Ltd., and fully described a the October 14, 1960, issue of The .7ommercial Motor, were carried out last reek between Darley Dale and London. Ehe 24-ton-gross vehicle is operating vith Tuft Brothers and Tomlinson (St. idbans), Ltd., and preliminary fuelonsumption figures taken between )arley Dale and London indicate a conumption rate of 7.5 m.p.g. for the round rip, with maximum,speeds on the motorway of well over 70 m.p.h.

The Norde has a Cummins NTO-6 urbocharged oil engine, which derelops 262 b.h.p. at 1,100 r.p.m. and 410 lb,-ft. torque at 1,300 r.p.m. A Self:hanging Gears' R.V30 eight speed ,emi-automatic gear)ox takes the drive o the A.E.C. double'eduction rear axle. Hendrickson rubber iuspertsion is em)loyed at the driving utle, as at the bogie A the semi-trailer, ind the tractive unit las a Boalloy )1astics cab.

The styling indudes wrap round windscreens a n d he exhaust system S carried vertically )ehind the cab.