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5th October 1979, Page 37
5th October 1979
Page 37
Page 37, 5th October 1979

Danger Is My Middle Name

It is all very well for John Silbermann, the Road Haulage Association's chairman, to take the mickey out of business consultants, but some of these boys live dangerously. Take,......

Star Turns

More than 160 engine reconditioners who bought an agreed value of selected components from Advance Motor Supplies in three months are to enjoy seven days in the film stars'......

Like A Daf To Water

Ever resourceful, DAF Trucks have breached the Windsor cordon, which has defied the combined might of the RHA and FTA. Admittedly they had to charter a boat to do it but the......

A Packet Of Trouble

How does a cigarette manufacturer suddenly run out of cartons and risk immediate closure of a production line? This apparently happened at Carreras Rothman's factory at......

Success Story

A new 20-minute documentar colour film on transport, now o general release, depicts th activities of Wilkinson Tram. port. The company was chose by the Pinewood film maker......

Sort That Lot Out!

- You can't insult the intel ligence of skilled men b) treating them like schoolboys,' says John Baxter, supervisor a! Seddon Atkinson's big nein Preston service training centrE......