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1st January 1954
1st January 1954
Page 1
Page 1, 1st January 1954

Page 29

The Unfortunate In-betweens

S HO some 330 dis trict managers RTLY, and gr and 1,500 depot• superintendents of British Road Services will be looking for new...

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Improve Spare-part Service

E YEN some of the largest commercial-vehicle manufacturers do not seem to realize the importance of an efficient service of...

Passing Comments

Young Ambition NAOST boys have an idea of what they would like Iv! to be when they "grow up," but few bother to titake a study...

Page 31

One Hears

That those who want everything for nothing seldom do anything for nothing. From a reader the query "Is a ' light Arab' one who...

Page 32


A N agreement in principle has been reached between McNamara and Co., 'Ltd., and the British Transport Commission, which, if...

EUSTON STATION BEING PREPARED WHILE the coach-station site at vY

Euston Square, London, which has been leased by London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., is being prepared as a picking-up and...

Tenders Wanted for 594 Units

TENDERS are invited by the British Transport Commission for the purchase of 594 transport units and 3,062 vehicles in List No....

Page 33

Winking Lights Legal: T-Plates to Go: No Off-side Parking

F LASHING-LIGHT direction indicators are now legal. The T-plate is to be superseded. Pedestrian-con trolled vehicles need no...

Fares May Follow Wage Rise

IF wages go up, the East Kent Road 'Car Co., Ltd., will have to apply to raise fares. The chairman, Mr. R. P. Beddow, gave this...

International Pact on Road Transport

THE United Nations Economic I Commission for Europe's road transport sub-committee have agreed on a text for a general...


The Mint of Brazil is to buy a small fleet of Mack 14-ton armoured vehicles for carrying money and valuables. The Stationery...

Page 34

Unions Reject Companies' Offer : Scots Workers Strike

A MEETING of the employers' side of the National Council for the Omnibus Industry was told last week that their offer of a 4s....

" Public Payin

g Themselves" A STATEMENT that because United Welsh Services, Ltd., were owned by the British Transport Commission, the public...

Men in the News

DR. A. J. HOLLAND, of the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., has been elected a Fellow of the Society of Glass Technology, of...


A CALL for the clarification of the ti contract-carriage law was made by Mr. G. Nabarro, M.P., president of the Road-Passenger...

Page 35

Rickards DireCtor Started Own Business : Wins Appeal

A CLAIM that a London operator's coaches w ere unsuitable for American traffic and that the company were no longer able to hold...

Application to be Re-heard

S UBMITTING that there was no reasonable ground for excluding new evidence at an appeal hearing when it was " in the public...

No Modification to Holiday Licence

A N appeal by Don Everall, Ltd., Wolverhampton, against the West Midland Licensing Authority's refusal to grant certain...

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New L.T. Garages "Extravagant"

THE building of new bus garages and other premises by London Transport has been described as an extravagance by the...

New Ring's - Cross Station Approved

I T is understood that the London County Council have approved the use of the Pentonville Road site as a new coach station for...

Page 37

Blackpool-Jersey Coach-Air Service

C OACH-Aill bookings to the Isle of Man, via Blackpool, increased greatly last summer, and arrangements are being made for an...

"No Excuse for Bad Maintenance " THERE was no excuse today

for I badly maintained vehicles, as there might have been a few years ago, when spares and new vehicles could not easily be...

Page 38

Sweden Builds an Exceptional Vehicle

Says Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. New Volvo 8-tonner Tested in Sweden Yields Economy at High Speed: Positions of Seat,...

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New Engine-cle aning Detergent

B OLD claims are made for a new detergent degreasing fluid for cleaning engines and other components before overhaul. Known as...

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1 5m. Tons of Oil Carried 1 30m. Miles a Year

T HE oil industry's road fleet conveyed about 15m. tons of products and covered 130m. miles a year. The replaceable value of...

Vehicle for Bulk or Bagged Grain

A VEHICLE designed for the carriage of grain either in bulk or bagged has been delivered to Mr. A. H. Gore, Clutton, near...

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Discussions Between an Employer and his Staff Should not be Conducted as Opposing Interests ; Ribble Believe in—

• A Round Table in Staff Relations By Andrew Seacombe T HE success of a bus company's public relations depends to a certain...

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Yugoslavia to Produce More Lorries

AARSHAL TITO'S Western-inclined LVL peoples' republic, with one car to 250 of the population, is at the bottom of the European...

Perspex Cab Roof for Tower Wagon

ARANY interestin g features are LVI included in a new Karrier Gamecock tower wa g on supplied to Uxbrid g e Urban District...

Page 45

Specialized Vehicles that Stretch

F URTHER examples of the employment of the Deplirex extensible body are found in a mobile radioscopy unit recently supplied to...

Bus with Detachable Top

A N outwardly normal double-decker, the top portion of which can be removed to provide an open compartment during fine weather,...

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In Contrast With the Preparations that Have to be Made Many Months Before, the Actual Movement of an Abnormal Indivisible...

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East Kent and South Midland Tour Programmes

rr HE East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., are offering seven tours in Britain and 13 on the Continent in their 1954 itinerary. The...

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Passengers Only

S ECURE in the knowledge that they have provided a more than adequate defence of the existing passenger licensing system, the...

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Breakdown Vehicle that has Everything

T HE North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., have placed in service a breakdown vehicle based on a 1439 Bristol L-typc chassis which...

Rustprobfing on a Big Sca e

D USTPROOFINCi of s ch vehicles and equipment as 1N lorries, ambulances, my Tanks and half-tracks is a process of particular...

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Opinions and Queries

What are Special Occasions? D URING the past year 1 have read with interest various articles in The Commercial Motor and other...

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The Transport Act for Layman and Lawyer

By T. G. Field - Fisher The Transport Act, 1953," by David Karmel, Q.C., and Kenneth Potter, M.A. (Butterworths, 27s. 6d.).,...

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What Idle Time Costs

Further Advice to a Potential Entrant to the Haulage Industry on How Charges Should be Varied if a Vehicle is not Fully...

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Tractor-trailer Braking Layout

TWO well-known names appear I. jointly in patent No. 698,912 which deals with a tractor-trailer, braking system. These are the...