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Q What is the ntaldnuan permissible speed of a heavy locomotive unit and is an attendant required?

9th February 1973
Page 53
Page 53, 9th February 1973 — Q What is the ntaldnuan permissible speed of a heavy locomotive unit and is an attendant required?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A Section 190 (8) of the Road Traffic Act defines a heavy locomotive as a mechanically propelled vehicle which is not constructed itself to carry a load . . . and the weight of which unladen exceeds 11+ tons.

Section 34 gives the requirements for the manning of heavy locomotives. Briefly, two persons are required in driving or attending a locomotive while being driven on a highway. Where any such locomotive is drawing a trailer or trailers on a highway then one or more persons in addition to the two already stated must be employed to attend to the trailer or trailers at the rate of one person for each trailer in excess of one.

Section 78 and Schedule 5 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967 lay down a general speed limit of 12 mph for heavy locomotives except for certain vehicles complying with requirements such as being fitted with pneumatic tyres, spcings and wings and having a prescribed braking efficiency and a stated weight transmitted to the road surface by each wheel (subsection 20 (a) (b) and (c) of the Schedule), when the speed may be up to 20 mph. If the locomotive is drawing two or more trailers the maximum laid-down speed is 12 mph and if not fitted with resilient tyres or drawing trailers so fitted, 5 mph.