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Scaffolders: take licensing seriously

7th November 2013
Page 16
Page 16, 7th November 2013 — Scaffolders: take licensing seriously
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

SCAFFOLDING FIRMS have been reminded about the importance of getting to grips with their 0-licensing responsibilities by South East traffic commissioner (TC) Nick Denton, following a recent public inquiry into the conduct of Aaron Scaffolding. The Greenwich firm's

application for a restricted licence to run one vehicle was originally brought before the TC as a result of director Kundan Nirvan's connections to liquidated companies, both of which had held licences. Records showed one of the licences held by Kundan Building Supplies had been revoked following its liquidation, but the company had failed to notify the office of the TC. A

licence disc in the name of Kundan Building Supplies had also been displayed on a vehicle operated by another company. In addition, there was an unsatisfactory maintenance investigation in 2010.

The TC told directors Rashpal Singh and Kundan Singh Nirvan he was concerned about the state of their 0-licensing knowledge. After hearing from the business, Denton adjourned the inquiry and sent the directors on an 0-licensing training seminar. A second hearing will be called to find out what they learned.

Summing up

The TC said he wanted to see scaffolders take operator licensing commitments as seriously as they do building site safety.