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Driver's legs crushed at dangerous depot

31st January 2008
Page 8
Page 8, 31st January 2008 — Driver's legs crushed at dangerous depot
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HARRIS TRANSPORT HAS been fined 228,000 for breaches of health and safety regulations after a forklift driver was run over in its yard. The company operates 47 LGVs from Eling Wharf, Hants.

HSE Inspector Raymond Kelly told New Forest magistrates that on 17November 2006 Lee McMahon was seriously injured when he was run over by a forklift as he walked across the loading yard. Kelly gave evidence about poor lighting in the yard and forklifts regularly operating with defective lights. He said the forklift which struck McMahon had no headlights and was operating in an area where the levels of light were appallingly low".

He added that the breakdown in health and safety at the company was "systemic" McMahon's left heel and ankle were crushed in the accident; he also lost asignif icantamount of skin and muscle from his right leg leaving him permanently disabled. Harris Transport was fined £4,000 for failing to make a suitable risk assessment of health and safety; £4,000 for failing to provide suitable and sufficient lighting for night-time working outside in the workplace; and £20,000 for failing to ensure the safety at work of its employees. It was ordered to pay costs of £8,986.

McMahon says: "I'm pleased with the result... but the penalty doesn't seem sufficient."