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Underfloor power for the police

2nd October 1997, Page 16
2nd October 1997
Page 16
Page 16, 2nd October 1997 — Underfloor power for the police
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• A fleet of MercedesBenz 308D Sprinter vans recently delivered to Cambridge police are fitted with the latest underfloor compressor and generator system from Mobile Power of Chesterfield.

The vehicles have Hydrovane 25cfm (at 150psi) compressors powered by Mobile Power's PTO system, which is also used to power the 4kVA 110V generator.

The main advantages of the underfloor installation, says Mobile Power, are quiet operation, space-sav ing and an instant supply of compressed air and electricity. The equipment is activated by a simple switch, without the noise and fumes usually associated with petrol or diesel engine-driven units.

The complete system is said to offer excellent ground clearance and no modifications to the vehicle's driveline are required.

In addition to the generator supplied to Cambridge police, a 180-amp welder option is also available. Contact: 01246 820400.