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Big Increase in R.H.E. Rates

2nd June 1950, Page 33
2nd June 1950
Page 33
Page 33, 2nd June 1950 — Big Increase in R.H.E. Rates
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IT is reported that some concerns, 'relying upon the Road Haulage Executive to provide smalls collection and delivery services from Sussex to London, have,recently been informed of substantial increases in charges.

information that .a ,surcharge, of 7f per cent. would be added to rates, because of the increased cost of fuel, had been received by these concerns. some of which were paying 30s. a ton, as they had been doing when private hauliers carried the goods. A week later they were told that the rate had been increased from 30s. to .41s. 6d. a ton, and that this, too, was subject to the surcharge. Prices of locally produced goods are under review.


SPEAKING at the annual dinner of the National Tyre Distributors' Association, in London, last week—Capt. Oliver Lyttelton, D.S.O., M.C., M.P., referred . to the great economic crisis, and said that the Association knew all about inflation and inflationary pressure. America to-day was trading at 1-2 degrees below peak level, but was hopeful' because of the production of ." hardware" (munitions). Our whole economy was being •maintained by artificial means. As regards taxation, he believed that no further taxes should be imposed, but, instead, expenditure reduced. Ali politicians admired the •great light put up by the road hauliers.

Other speakers were M.5. C. F. Warren and Mr. A. .S. Bishop..

Mr. Ivor J...Daires,. the retiring president, installed ,the new president, Mr. L. Amiss


IT was stated at a recent meeting of the

1 Gloucestershire branch of the National Farmers' Union that an agree • rrient on compensation to be paid by hauliers for animals injured in transit had been reached with the Road Haulage Association. Maximum compensation should be £100 for horses and cattle, £40 for pigs and £12 for sheep. Mr. E. G. Johnson urged farmers to errfpioy only those' hauliers who were parties to the agreement.


THE number of students presenting themselves for examination in road transport subjects, under the mgis of the Royal Society of Arts, has increased rapidly' since the Society's scheme started in 1945. Textbooks are becoming easier to obtain, although as yet no complete range of textbooks exists to cover the whole of the syllabus, states the National Standing Joint Committee on Road Transport Education in its

annual report. .


WE regret to record the death of MR. PP W. W. CLARK, farmer engineer and manager of the Ma'nsfield District Traction Co. He had alto been connected with Lisbon Tramways and the Midland General Omnibus Co-:, Ltd.