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2nd January 1976, Page 25
2nd January 1976
Page 25
Page 25, 2nd January 1976 — Credit
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

card schemes

The letter from Mr Baans of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) in your issue of November 21 gave a useful outline of the AMI credit card scheme and was, of course, largely written from the goods vehicle aspect, in response to an earlier article. However, he included some references to the AMI-P scheme for passenger vehicles. It should be made clear that, in Great Britain, availability of the scheme is open only to members of the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport (CPT) through the European Conference of British Bus & Coach Operators (ECBO).

Perhaps I may be forgiven for observing that CF'F's predecessor in this respect, the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association (PVOA), was the first organisation in this country to take part in the AMI scheme, beginning in 1969. Mote-PV0A members took part in the AMT-P

scheme than those of any of the national associations involved, and this continues to be so with CPT.

A. A. TOWNSIN, Public Relations Executive, Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport (CPT), London WC2.