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Exhibitors' list

27th February 1982
Page 31
Page 31, 27th February 1982 — Exhibitors' list
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Aerobus Engineering Ltd, Switzerland; Agousta, Milan, Italy; Accles and Pollock, Holland; AlBar, Saudi Arabia; Al-dhiafa Exhibition Services, Saudi; Al-Hogail, Saudi; Al-Mutlaq Serck Services, Saudi; Alsthom-Atlantique, France; Arcosolar, Bahrain; Asplundh, USA.

Beach Aircraft Corporation, Kansas, USA; Boeing Vertol Co, USA; Broshuis, Holland; Buckingham Vehicles Ltd, Kenilworth. CGS, Saudi; Car Body Sales & Services Ltd, Coventry, W. Mids; P. Chalakatevakis, Greece; Con-left° Indisdiale Spa, Italy; Carrosserie Gemayel, Saudi.

DAF Trucks, Holland; Dana Road Trade Corporation, USA; Delachaux, France; Crleperen Marketing and Engineering, Belgium; Dutch Group; R. A. Dyson (1981) Ltd, Liverpool.

Equiprail, France; Firestone International Co, London; French Rail Exhibition.

General Motors Corp, USA; Gulf Stream America Commander Div. USA.

Holland Group.

lg. Vogel GmbH, Germany; Interlink Marketing, London; International Harvester Co, Saudi. Kanco Travel Agency, Saudi; Kennis Machinesabrick, Holland; Kienzle Apparate GmbH, W. Germany.

Leyland Bus,,Lancs; Leyland Vehicles, Preston; Lincoln-Helios, Saudi; Lockheed Electronic Co, Inc. USA; Le Materiel de Voie, France.

Marmon Motor Co. USA; Matra Transportation Div, France; Middle East Industry and Transport, London; Mitsubishi, Saudi; Moro Spa Italy.

National Shipping Co Saudi; Netherlands Group; Al-Ninal, Saudi.

Paccar International Inc. USA; Page Avjet Corp. USA.

Oy Partek SAB, Saudi.

Quinton Hazel! Ltd, Warwicks. Raul International Corp. USA; J. Robins SA, France; Royal Industries International Inc. USA. S.N.C.F. France; Saudia, Rhidad; Sentinel Mfg Co, USA; Socader, France; Standard Havens Inc. USA; Stedef, France; Superwinch Inc, USA.

Templeton Kenley & Co, USA; Trabosa, Spain; Triton Tractors, Saudi.

United States Dept of Commerce, USA.

Volkswagen Vaminhoes Ltd, Brazil, S. America.

Warn Industries, Inc, USA.