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Bradley's bracket

26th November 1983
Page 20
Page 20, 26th November 1983 — Bradley's bracket
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NND K BRADLEY of Bingley, Ist Yorkshire, has improved Mk 10 heavy-duty towing t, designed for trailers up to I0kg (3.45 tons) using rod or ole brakes. It now includes a cket to which a jockey wheel )rop stand can be fitted.

Iradley's new unit eliminates need to fit a bracket to the A -ne and its subsequent offrtre position, and gives inased ground clearance to the key wheel in the raised p051

he new unit, which meets 3 Regulations, is available h a 50mm (1.97in) ball couplhead, or alternatively with 50, or 76mm (1.57, 1.97, or n) NATO towing eyes.

Mere the brakes are applied :omatically on reversing, !rgy stored in the coil spring )d inside the assembly tube vents the brakes releasing an the rear of the trailer is left ng down hill.

he unit is, however, fitted h a manual over-ride to enathe traler to be reversed on ipery or y ravel surfaces.