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Fourth MoTs in 11 months

26th January 1995
Page 24
Page 24, 26th January 1995 — Fourth MoTs in 11 months
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Possible disciplinary action against Newport haulier Anthony Beese has been adjourned while he puts his vehicles through annual tests for the fourth time in 11 months.

Reese, who trades as G Beese Transport, told South Wales Licensing Authority John Mervyn Pugh that prohibitions had been picked up by his five vehicles and four trailers when he was driving and not being on hand to check the maintenance work was being carried out. He was now on site seven days a week to ensure the vehicles were in tip-top condition before they went out on the road.

A worn tyre was the result of it being over inflated, said Beese. A prohibition issued for oil on an exhaust pipe was easily rectified and excessive smoke had been cured by fitting a new air filter. Outstanding back tax in relation to one vehicle had been paid and a tachograph offence was committed accidentally when a driver took out a replacement vehicle while his own was undergoing maintenance.

Adjourning the proceedings, Mervyn Pugh said Reese was lucky that he was not suspending his licence meanwhile.