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25th March 1924, Page 4
25th March 1924
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Page 4, 25th March 1924 — WHEELS OF INDUSTRY.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

'The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport cd whatever points arising, as a carriage s by.

the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.

British Empire Exhibition Conferences and Congresses.

In connection with the British Empire Exhibition, which opens at Wembley next month, a series of highly important conferences and congresses have been arranged. About 70 meetings of the kind havo been planned, chief on the list being the Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress in which the Institute of


Metals, the nstitution of Petroleum Technologists and other important organizations are taking part. The World Power Conference; which the British Electrical and A iiied Manufacturers' Association is organizing, is also of much importance.

Four conference halls have been constructed, and they seat. respectively 120, 150, 550 and 1,800 people.

It would perhapa be as well to refer to several of the outstanding conferences which are of direct interest to our readers. These aro as follow :— British Engineers' Asseciation.—May 21st, 22nd; June Min 27th, September 17th; October 15th; 16th.

British Electrical and Allied ManUfaeturers' A seed ation,—June 30th-July 12th.

Institute of Mining and Metallurgy— June 3rd-6th.

Institution of Automobile Engineers.— June 23rd.

Institute of Municipal and County • Engineers.—June 28th.

Institute of Transport.—September 19th.

The Register of the Motor Trade.

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has now issued its register for the current year, from which can be gathered the remarkable fact that no fewer than 700 pages are required to contain the names of those companies, irms and individuals within the United Kingdom who have business associations with various sections of the motor industry.

The register has been prepared with the co-operation of all the motor trade institutions, and is remarkably comprehensive. It is issued to non-members of the Society from the Offices at 83, Pall Mall; London, S.'W.1, at 22s post free, this I ee including three quarterly

supplements . containing additions, alterations and deletions issued during the course of the year.

The London Parade.

The first entries for the 18th annual parade of commercial motor vehicles organized by the Commercial Motor Users Association, which takes place in Lincoln's Inn Fields on Saturday, April 12th, have been received. The following prominent users of road transport vehicles are entering machines, the number of which is given in parenthesis in each case :—Davis and Son (3); Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. (3) Gas Light and Coke Co. (12); National Benzole Co., Ltd. (9); Cadbury Bros., Ltd. (9): T. Wethered and Sons, Ltd. (6); J. Lenanton and Sons, Ltd. (6) ; Cordon

B20 Transport Co., Ltd. (5); Bryant and May, Ltd. (6); • Smith, Garrett and Co., Ltd. (3); A. Sanderson and Sons (3); M. and W. Mack (6); Brandon's Putney Brewery, Ltd. (6); Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd. (3).

The parade is organized under the patronage of KM. the King, and the owner of the winning team of vehicles will ,receive The Comnercial Motor challenge cop, the drivers being presented with the Shrapnell-Smith

dial lenge cup. In ail a total of 90 money awards will be made to drivers.

Albion Dividends.

. At a recent board meeting of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., the directors resolved to pay on April 17th. a half-yearly dividend of 3 per -cent., less income tax, on the preference shares for the half-year ended December 31st last, and on the same date to pay a dividend

of 5 per cent, less income tax, on the ordinary ehal'eB for the year ended

• December.3Ist last.

Clarkson on Steam Wagons.

Mr. Thomas Clarkson, M.Inst.C.E., and a past president of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, read a paper on steam-wagon design -before the Northern Section of the Institution on Thuhday last.

He went very thoroughly over the .ground of the various types of wagons, toilers and engines, and dealt fully with the importance of encouraging the use of the steam wagon in view of the fuel situation in this country. Leylands Show. Improved Results.

The balance-sheet of Leyland Motors, Ltd., presented to the shareholders on March 13th, shows an improvement in the financial results of the company to the extent of no less than 2233,000, the loss for the 13 months ended September 30th, 1922, having been 267,009, whilst the profit for the year ending on the same date of last year was 2132,252. :Chia represents 2200,000 of the Unproved showing, whilst interest on loans is 224,000 less at 280,200; directors' Sees are materially lower at 21,472, and whilst _ample reserves for bad debts and allowance fur depreciation have been made, these each show a slightly lower figure. All these outgoings, however, total 214;067, and adding to the revenue side the dividends from investments; transfer fees and sundry receipta amounting to 29,012, there is a loss for the period under review of 24,8..2, whereas the loss for the previous financial period was no less than 2258,392. The debit balance now stands at 2.998,710i and the chairman at the meeting stated that since the accounts were closed the results up to the present time are etill further improved.

Mr. Henry Spurrier having asked to be relieved of the chairmanship so that be could devote all his energies to the managingdirectorship., Mr. John H. Toulnun now fills that important 'mai. tion. Another change is to be found in the appointment cf Mr. Liardet as general manager.

The directors are able to state that since September last the orders have averaged 1413 vehicles per month, 0: which 36 are reconditioned. This figure is no less than 55 per month better than the average of the year covered by the figures which we have given.

Death of Capt. Lyon Thomson.

With great regret we announce the death of Capt. H. Lyon Thomson, of the Royal Company of Scottish Archers, a prominent member of the Royal Automobile Club, a former Mayor of the City of Westminster, who was extremely well known and appreciated throughout. every section of the motor movement, and a much valued contributor to The Commercial Motor.

A .funeral service was held at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, on the 15th inst., when the chief mourners were Sir •Courtauld Thomson, Major the Hon. Hugh Fletcher Moulton.' M.P., Mr. and Mrs. Hurst and Colonel Crompton, R.E.

The Motor Legislation Committee of the-Royal Automobile Club has issued an important memorandum drawing attention to the injustice of the phraseologY"af Clause 35 of the Criminal Justice Bill now before the I-louse of Lords, this dame dealing with the offence of being drunk while in charge' on the highway of a motor vehicle. A very strong case is put up.

Ashton Requires Trolley-buses.

The Ashton Corporation Tramways Committee decided at its last meeting to invite tenders fer eight trolley-buses, six with longitudinal seating arrangements and two with a combination of longitudinal and transverse seats, but when the miautes came up at the March council 'meeting the chairman, Alderman R. S. Oldham, asked that the committee should simply be given power to purchase the vehicles without describing the type. Since the resolution came before the meeting another design of bus had been seen which possessed a. greater seating capacity, and would accommodate 40 passengers instead of 32 or 34. The council agreed to the chairman's request.

Testing of Road Metal.

A revised edition of the pamphlet dealing with tests and measurements, undertaken by the Roads Research Laboratory on behalf of the Roads Department .of the Ministry of Transport, has just been issued by the National Physical Laboratory. It gives details of the methods, regulations and fees for tests on specimens of rock to be riged as road stones, and for tests of materials used in the formation of dustless roads. Copies of the pamphlet can he obtained from the Director of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex.

Macintosh's New Premises.

Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd., of Manchester and London, and their associate company, the Shrewsbury S.T. and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd., have for some time experienced difficulty. in handling their growing business in tyres ard disc wheels, and they have found it necessary to secure more ground for extension of their premises in Wilton Road and Gillingham Street, Victoria Street, Louden, S. W.1.

The new Macintosh building, which has a frontage in Gillingham Street, will ielease quite a considerable amount of space in and around the present works. and this is being extended, adapted and fitted up with the most modern equipment in order to cope with business relating to tyres, tyre fittings, disc wheels and wheel fittings.

The first portion of the new showrooms and offices is nearing completion. The building is a steel frame construction with floors of concrete, and an interesting innovation is the use of Macintosh rubber flooring of various types throughout the building.

Proposed Glasgow-Inverness Road.

A conference of representatives of the various authorities concerned met. within the. City Chambers, Glasgow, to consider Cameron of Lochiel's scheme, already ' explained briefly in the columns of T he Commercial Motor, for constructing a road from Glasgow to Inverness by way of Loch Lomond, Glencoe and Fort William.

A memorandum was read from Lochiel, in which the project was set forth in con

siderable detail. Thereafter a resolution was submitted and passed unanimously to the effect that the. existing highway is quite unsuitable for modern traffic, and that an up-to-date main road, such as is projected, would be an inestimable boon to the districts through which it passes and 'to the travelling public and, to commercial interests generally.

It was also agreed that a deputation be appointed to proceed to London to interview the Secretary for Scotland, the Minister of Transport and the Scottish Members of Parliament. to lay before them the -claims of the road authorities in respect of this scheme—a scheme not only of local but of much national importance.

Controlling Competition.

Ipswich Town Council has expressed the opinion that Parliament should grant to local authorities more adequate powers for, licensing and controlling omnibuses in order to deal effectively with unnecessary competition.

Buses for Yarmouth.

Yarmouth Corporation Tramways Committee recommends the purchase of seven three-ton chassis at £645 each, and the invitation a tenders for the fitting of 30.32-seater bus bodies on them. A• garage is to be Constructed at the tramWay depot to accommodate the vehicle.

Brown Brothers' Report.

The report of Brown Brothers, Ltd., for the year ended December 15th last shows that the profit on the year's trading, after providing for depreciation, directors' fees and the writing down of investments, was L17,687, to 'which must be added the sum of £209 brought forward from the previous year's accounts. This balance is appropriated by meeting a dividend on the 7 per cent cumulative preference shares for the three months to March 31st, 1923, which absorbs £4,219, and by paying a dividend' on these shares for the nine months ended December 31st, last, which absorbs £12,656. After these deductions have been made, £1,021 remains, and after carrying 10 per cent, of the net revenue, i.e., £81, to a reserve fund, a sum of £940 is left. to be carried forward.

Saving by a S.D.:Freighter.

helvoke and Drewry, Ltd., of Letch. worth, inform us that they have, received a repeat order for an S.D. Freighter from the Lewisham Borough Council. This municipal authority put the first machine of this type into serVice in October last, and it has proved so successful in operation that Mr. W. F. Owsley, the borough surveyor, has reported a. saving of 30. per ton in connection with the work • upon which it has been en. gaged as compared with the use of horse transport. It is anticipated that by the employment of a second machine even greater economies will be effected.

Devon Road Schemes.

The Devon County Council has adopted a scheme for the reconstruction and widening of most of the chief roads in the county at a cost which is estimated at over £1,000,000. It is expected that the Ministry of Transport will contribute at least. one-half of the expenditure involved in connection with the work.

A Salesman Wanted.

A post is open for a good outdoor salesman in the London district, who is required by a prominent. manufacturer of commercial vehicles. Remuneration will be paid by salary, commission and expenses. Letters, in confidence, addressed to "Extractor," care of this journal, will be forwarded.

. Oil Fuel Progress.

Mr. C. H. Lauder, D.Sc., Director of Fuel Research (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research), ;lecturedrecently to the South WIles Institute of Mechanical Engineers on progress in the use of oil foel,

The development ot an efficient light gas producer which could be used with the existing type of internal-eombustion engine would, he said, provide a means of propulsion at much less cost as tbgarde fuel than that involved by the use of petrol. A taxless fuel which could be • produced teadily all over the country -would be necessary if oil fuel is to prove a serious rival to petrol.

The lecturer said that in considering the possibilities of producing oil from coal one was faced with the difficulty of fixing a price after manufacture which was stable, depending as it did on the world's markets, but that in this matter light oils were in a somewhat different position.. Low-temperature carbonization of coal, he said, would produce over t.wo gallons of a light spirit per ton of

coal, which is suitable for use in internalcombustion engines.

Alcohol could be used as a substitute for petrol, but so far as this country was concerned the lecturer stated that there was no immediate prospect of its being produced in such a way as to compete with petrol.

Housing the Staff of London's Transport Organization.

Apart from a few minor details, the new offices of the Underground authorities, which have been erected over the platforms at St. James's Park Station and to the -rear. of Electric Railway HouSe, stand , completed, and Most of the scattered units of the clerical staff are now housed under one roof. With the increase and development of London's transport services, the concentration of the administrative staff of the group of companies became imperative, and greater efficiency and more economical working are expected from the fresh arrangement. The new Offices are six stories high, and have taken one and a half years to complete. Over the platforms of the station 22 girders, totalling in weight 550 tons, and supported on ferro-concrete piers, haveheen

B22 placed, and upon them the offices, which occupy an area of about 45,000 sq. ft., have been erected.

The new offices are somewhat unique in design in so far as they are constructed primarily for accommodating large units of the staff, and they are free from party walls. The framework is of steel giders, totalling 793 tons in weight, and all floors are of reinforced concrete.

Concrete Roads for Cardiff.

The Cardiff City Council has agreed to construct concrete roads in the city area at • an estimated expenditure of £19,880. The city engineer reported that this system of road construction had proved successful in several parts of the country and that streets would be chosen that were best suited to experiments of this nature.

Seeking a Sales Manager.

We know an enterprising firm of lorry manufacturers who are requiring a good, experienced sales manager, and prefer

ably a man with an all-round office experience and executive ability. Here is a goOd opportunity for the. right man, and if letters are sent to us, addressed to "Gerrard," care of this office, they will be regarded as confidential and be despatched to the manufacturer in question.

Commercial Motorcycles in Argentina.

Of the 602 motorcycles registered in Reunos Aires, almost half of them are used for commercial purposes. Indeed, in the field of commerce the motorcycle is creating a demand for itself in the Republic, for it has clearly demonstrated its superiority both over animal-drawn vehicles and the bicycle. Machines which are most suitable for use in the country should have two-cylinder 7 h.p. to 9 h.p. engines.

B.A.T. Traffic Receipts.

The traffic receipts during the month of February on the passenger vehicles comprising the British Automobile Traction Co.'s group amounted to £86,819. For the eight weeks ended February 24th, the aggregate traffic receipts amounted to £184,258, this figure showing an increase of £46,442 over the corresponding period of last year.

Standardized Horn Sounds.

The Home Office has notified the Wigan Watch Committee that the Ministry of Transport is giving the fullest_ consideration to a scheme for the standardization of sounds from motor horns. It is proposed that there should be three distinct classes of .horn—one for use on heavy vehicles, another for touring cars and other motor vehicles, and a third for motorcycles.

It is hopsd in this way to assist constables olf.-_,uoint duty, also to reduce the multiplicity of sounds which are at present 'emitted from various types of warning signal used on motor vehicles.

Traffic Preparations for the Eisteddfod.

The huge volume of motor coach and bus traffic coincident with a Welsh National Eisteddfod meeting necessitates considerable advance preparation of roads and bridges and parking -spaces, and work is well in hand for this year's annual gathering, which is to be held at Pontypool (Mon.).

The Town Bridge is already under reconstruction and is being widened, whilst the George Street -bottle-neck is likely to be eliminated so as to facilitate throughtown traffic. The Pontypool Council has the latter scheme in hand and has been urged by a meeting of ratepayers to hasten its completion.

The Abersychan Urban District Council, the neighbouring local authority, is urging -the construction of a new Main road to pass through Pontypool Park, the -venue of this year's National Eisteddfod.

New Crosville Extension,

• The Crosville Motor Bus Co., Ltd., of Chester, have now commenced a new service between Birkenhead Park Station and West Kirby (via Hoylake and Moreton). Monthly contracts, covering the full distance, have been issued at a cost of 20s., whilst 12 part-paid tickets may be obtained for 7s. 6d., and cheap daily return tickets for 1s. 3d. It has been arranged that the present services from West Kirby to Birkenhead via Frankby and Saughall Massie should be extended to Park Station. Cheap daily return tickets are being issued on these routes.

New Fire-engine for Paisley.

Paisley is now larovided with one of the finest fire-engines in Scotland, and it has just been tested, with excellent results, in the presence of members of the tow-n council. It has been built by Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford, and embodies all the latest devices and improvements. The fire-engine is fitted with a Tamini pump, which is capable of throwing 700 gallons of water per minute, as compared with 450 gallons per minute by the old engine which was acquired 12 years ago.

A Co-operative Fire-engine Purchase. When the much-debated question of the purchase of a motor fire-engine by the Ripon City Council and the Ripon and Wath Rural District Councils came up again at a meeting of the first-named authority, it was agreed that the proposition was a sound one and in the best interests of the city and surrounding districts, and the corporation decided to join in the scheme. The total cost of the machine will be 21,050.

Proposed Tay Road Bridge.

The new Tay Road bridge, which is to shorten the East Coast read in Sealand by something like 30 miles, recently formed the subject of an important elmference on .the spot between Sir Henry Maybury, Director-General of Roads, and Dundee Town Council and Harbour Board.

Sir Henry said that his department would he very happy to collaborate with the local authorities in connection with this excellent scheme. The Government was willing to be responsible for 75 per cent, of the cost of preliminary operations, which would involve an expendi ture of about £10,000. •

With regard to the toted amount required to build the bridge, Sir Henry said ho was instructed and empowered :to offer to pay 65 per cent, thereof, pro. vided no Parliamentary sanction was necessary and the work could he startedin a few months. Even if it was necessary to go to Parliament, he had no reason to suppose that the Government terms would, be less favourable than those represented in the present offer. In any case, the council would obtain the largest possible grant that the Treasury could make in connection with the scheme.

Lord Provost High, in thanking Sir 'Henry for his attendance, stated that they would do the preliminary work of taking soundings and making borings without any loss of time.

To Regulate Motorbus Traffic.

In answer to certain inquiries, the Under-Secretary for Scotland has just intimated that, after consulting with the Ministry of Transport, he has decided to issue, in the course of a few

weeks, a set of model form§ of, by-laws for the "regulation of omnibuses and hackney carriages" operating 'in

land. He asks magistrates and county councils to delay framing any rules of their own until his suggestions are avail

able for their guidance, as it is urgently necessary that some sort of co-ordina

Iles, should be observed by-the various burghs and counties in dealing with the problem of heavy motor traffic.

The fact, is that a number of local autboritips have already, on their own initiative, drafted by-laws, each for self and independent of the others, . Before these could become operative, they had to be sanctioned and signed by the Secretary for Scotland. It was in examining the several schemes submitted to him that Mr.

Lamb (the Under-Secretary) came to the conclusion that some measure of uniformity was desirable in this very essen tial matter, and that model regulations should be prepared and issued to all interested parties.

Transport Tests in Transcaucasia.

• u competition was recently held in • Transcaucasia, over a distance of 625 miles, with a view to discovering the type -of motor vehicle best suited to the transportation of passengers and merchandise over local roads. The result of this test is not yet known, but special attention was paid to the capacity, durability and general suitability of competing vehicles td operate .under difficult conditions. The two classes of vehicles most desired in this field are lorries up to 4 tons capacity and motorbuses with • a maximum displacement of 305 cub, ft. The following features of construction are considered of importance by the organizers :—Minimum road clearance for motor lorries, 8 ins, for axle centres, I2 .ins. for the flywheel, and 10 ins. for the differential and final-drive housing. For motorbuses, the front-axle clearance 7 ins, and rear-axle clearance 6 ins. The

steering tie rod-should be located behind the -front axle. Engines must be fitted with governors, liMiting the speed to 12.5 m.p.h. for 3-tonners and over and 15.5–m.p.h. tot smaller vehicles. One of the cop ditions is that a list of repair parts should be furnished printed in Russian,

if possible. .

The organizers believe that mechanical transport vehicles have a promising future in the -Caucasian republics, and this is supported by the fact, that much oil is obtained in the neighbourhood.

Liverpool C.M.U.A. Officers. The committee of the Liverpool held .a meeting recently at the office of the secretary, Mr. C. R. Whitnall, when the following officers were elected for 1924 :—Chairman, Col. B. Faircleugh (Ja-s. Fairctough and Sons, Ltd:, Warrington); vice-Chairman, Mr. N. Barker {.R. and N. Barker Transport Co., Ltd , Liverpool); lion. treasurer,

Mr. F. G. Birch. •

Derbyshire Roads.

In the desire to place main and subsidiary avenues of traffic in a Condition commensurate with the needs of mechanically propelled vehieles, Derbyshire authorities have of late shown notch

enterprise. Further projects of import.; ance are now contemplated in a favourite area of the Peak territory, which in the summer months is frequented by great mimbers of .char*bancs parties from neighbouring counties.

The Chapel-en-le-Frith District. Council proposes to conStruct many Miles of new roads, and in regard to others ,wiclenings are to be effected, with the primary object of minimizing the dangers at Main Tor, near Castleton. The'plan, which will be-Welcomed byrall drivers of motor vehicles, acquainted with the neighbourhood, includes the construction of a new road through the hill from-the top of Main Tor Roads thus affording access to the old Winnhill, a further important feature in the scheme, which is designed to obviate the necessity for negotiating Castleton's difficult streets, being the making of a by-pass road from the bottom of the Old Winnatt, cutting . north-east of the village and joining the existing county road between Castletou and Hope.

Perthshire Road Experiments.

For the last four or five years the Perthshire County Council has been experimenting with different materials in order to ascertain which would give the best results for road-surfacing purposes, due regard being given to initial outlay and cost of maintenance.

A. stretch of highway lying between Dunblane and Blackford has been marked out into seven sections, each of which is treated differently, chiefly with 'tar macadam in some form or other. Most of the preparations selected have given much satisfaction, and the difficulty is to arrive at a definite decision es to which .should be exclusively oelected.

It is believed that Lake Trinidad asphalt is easily first as regards durability and freedom from the effects of slimmer heat, but it is expensive to lay sdown, and almost beyond the reach of an average rural authority. Leaving this dressing for the moment aside, the choice lies inetween a number of others arid it is yet premature to predict which of them will be eventually adopted. The measured furlongs are distinguishable by prominent notice boards, and excite much interest among passing road users.

Ferodo Linings for Heavy Vehicles. In a little pamphlet which has

just been •iesued by Ferodo, Ltd.,•Sovereign -Mills, Chapel-en-le-Frith, the

company lay stress on the suitability of Ferodo friction linings for use on vehicles hauling heavy loads. The company support their comments by several illustrations, which show steam traeters owned by N. E. Box, Ltd., hauling heavy and awkward loads. The testi many of this well-known user leaves no doubt concerning the efficiency of Ferodo linings on vehicles used for heavy haulage tasks.

Boathouses as Booking Offices.

' At a meeting at Torquay a letter was read from Messrs. Elliott and Sons protesting against the action of the harbour sub-committee in debarring the boathouses from being used as booking offices for the motor chars-X-bancs. The corporation has upheld the decision of the committee.'

Lorries Best for African Development.

During a recent lecture before the Liverpool Geographical Association, Sir Frederick Lugard made a strong plea for the necessity for co-ordination between railway and road transport for the opening up of Africa. He does not think it practicable that light railways should bee constructed, but that a type of lorry should be introduced that need not necessarily run over metalled roads. Such vehicles could act as feeders to the standard-gauge railways that connect up the interior with the ports.

A new tax on taxicabs was brought into force in Paris a, few days ago, under which every user of a cab has to pay a sapplementary charge of 25 centimes— now about .id.—over the recognized fare.

The power farming demonstration which is being organized by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders takes place during the week commencing September 8th—end not as etated in our last issue—on the farm belonging to Mr. J. E. Philp, in the Parish of Horn-mudsworth.

Local Proceedings.

The Cermarthen Town Council is considering the purchase of a. motor fireengine.

The Abersychan (Mon.) Urban District Council has purchased_ a 40 h.p. Leyland motor fire-engine.

Birkenhead Corporation is to abandon the stearn-ferry service and introduce new motorbus services.

Myth Town Council has postponed a proposal to purchase a motor vehicle for general corporation use and decided to biro a vehicle for the purPose during the next 12 months.

Weston-super-Mare UrbanDistrict Council has instructed the surveyor to report on the practicability of providing a park for motor vehicles in the centre of the town.

The Pilgrim's Way.

.The Underground authorities have just published an illustrated guide on the " Pilgrim's Way in West Surrey," ;which is contemporary with the one published last. year on "Rest Surrey." Copies may be obtained free from Electric Railway House, St. James's Park Station; a 2d. stamp should be sent to cover cost of postage.

To ramblers this little work will prove of much value in exploring the rolling country which .stretehes from Dorking to the Hog's Back by way of Newlends Corner and Coildford_ Many of the bus services of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., enable Londoners readily to teach centres from whirls the country covered by the booklet can be conveniently explored.