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Test compression

22nd December 1988
Page 73
Page 73, 22nd December 1988 — Test compression
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Kent-Moore has introduced a compression test kit for both petrol and diesel engines.

The KM 4138 is designed for workshop use. It comprises quality petrol and diesel pressure gauges with protective rubber covers, an easy-to-use slide action solid brass relief valve, heat resistant steel braided hose, petrol and diesel adaptors with built in nonreturn valves and a compartmented storage/carry case.

The kit will enable the user to carry out compression tests quickly and efficiently on petrol engines fitted with M14 or M18 spark plugs and diesel engines fitted with the very common M12 threaded glow plugs.

Other more specialist diesel and petrol engine adaptors are also available, as well as a service pack containing all the necessary 0-rings and nonreturn valves for the user to replace worn parts easily themselves.

Separate diesel and petrol compression tester versions are also available, with full operating instructions.

Kent Moore UK Turbo 88