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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
Release of Iron and Steel.
It was announced in the House of Cornmons on Tuesday of last, week by the M'itister of Reconstruction that it was proposed to release iron and steel forthwith. He said that there would be found to be a very great increase in our capacity for the 'utilization of home produced ore, and arrangements were being made by the Shipping Controller which would render it possible to import as large a quantity of foreign ore as was imported prior to the war. The differences which may arise owing to the fact that, through the exigencies of war, the price of steel now stands at an artificial level had not been overlooked, and it is intended to continue orders fixing for a period the maximum price of steel, though this may involve continuing some measure of Government assistance for that period. With regard to other materials, there is a sufficient supply avalable to render it possible to release some from control now, and nearly all the rest within six months.
Vehicle Lighting Restrictions.
The Under Secretary to the Home Office, answering a question in the House of COILIMODS last week, said that whilst relaxationa had been announced in connection with street lights and lights in houses and shops generally throughout
the country, the question of lights on vehicles was still under consideration, and for the present the restrictions in their case rema:ns in force.
The Industrial Reconstruction Council.
The fifth lecture of the series arranged by the Industrial Reconstruction Council will be he'd in the Saddlers' Hall, Cheapside, E.C. 2, on Wednesday, 27th November. The chair will be taken at 4.30 by the Rt. Hon. J. H. Whitley, M.P., and a lecture on "Labour and Industrial Development" will be delivered by Mr. Ernest J. P. Benn, C.B.E., chairman of the council. Applications for tickets should be made well in advance to the Secretary, I.R.C., 2 and 4, Tudor Stria, E.C. 4.
Disposal of Government Surplus.
The Advisory Council on the disposal of surplus Government property includes amongst. its members Sir John E. Thornycroft, K.B.E., which will be some guarantee that the many thousands, of army lorries which ultimately will be available for disposal will be dealt with in a manner which will not be injurious to the motor industry.
More petrol will be available on 1st January for commercial and public service vehicles on application to the Petrol Control Department.
Motorcab Tyres in London.
In the House of Commons last week Sir Alfred Yeo asked the Home Secretary who is the official, and what his rank is, and what are the qualifications and experiences of the official, who finally decides the type of tyres to be used on motorcabs in the Metropolitan police area ; and whether he will consider the desirability of referring the matter to a committee of five experts nominated by the Royal Automobile Club ?
Mr. Brace : The responsibility for any such decision rests with the Commissioner of Police; but-the only Regulation now in force as to the types of tyres or motorcabs is the Regulation requiring every motorcab to have on one front and one rear wheel an approved means of preventing or limiting sideslip. The Commissioner could not properly delegate his responsibility to a committee nominated by a private body, but, if any technical matter should arise which requires reference to a committee of experts, he would be glad to invite the assistance of the Royal Automobile el ub.
Dennis Bros., Ltd., have declared a final dividend of 1s. and a bonus of 2s. per share, making 4s. per share (20 per cent.) for the year to 30th September.
Improved Petrol Supplies and Prices.
The Standing Joint Committee of Mechanical Road Transport Associations, which committee has been urging on the Government the national necessity for the earliest possible reduction in the prices of petrol and paraffin, has been informed by the Director of the Petroleum .Executive Sir John Cadman, K.C.M.G., that " there is good ground to. hope that, unless there is an unexpected change for the worse in the position, some reduction in these prices will be possible either at the beginning of December or January next."
The above-mentioned Joint Committee is arranging a further deputation on the subject of decreases in prices, and also on the subject of increases in supplies. The deputation, which will be introduced by the chairman, Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., will include delegates from the following constituent bodies ;--Commercial Motor Users Association; Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association ; London and Provincial Omnibus Owners Association ; National Motor Cyclists Fuel Union ; National Traction Engine Owners Association ; Royal Agricultural Society of England ; Showmen's Guild ; and the Steam Cultivation Development.Association, together with the hon. secretary, Capt. F. G. Bristow.
"Extraordinary Traffic."
A further list of subscribers to the C.M.-U.A. guarantee list for its defence of Henry Butt. and Co. against the Weston-super-Mare U.D.C. is as follows :-25 guineas each : Smith Parfray and Co., Ltd., Bleachers Association, Ltd. ; £25 each : Lalonde Bros. and Parham, J. Crosfield and Sons. Ltd. ; 221 : H. V iney and Co., Ltd. ; £20 : Johnstone Eros.; 30 guineas each: David Macbrayre, Ltd,. Freeman, Hardy and Willis, Ltd., Hosken Trevithick, Polkinhorn and Co., Ltd., French's Garage and Motor Works, Ltd., Belsize Motors, Ltd. ; 5 guineas each : R. and T. Howarth, 'Tottenham District Gas Co., World's Carriers and Carrying Trades Review, Baldwins, Ltd., S. Shields, Ltd., Edison Steam Rolling Co., Ltd, W. J. King, Dartford Wharfage Co., Kemball, Bishop and Co., Ltd., Chateau and Co., Thomas and Green, Ltd., Bournemouth Electricity Supply Co., Ltd., Fullers Earth Union, Ltd.; £5 each : John Hearne and Son, Hoare and Co., Ltd., G. and J. Maelachlan, Ltd.. E. Longhurst and Sons, J. Coles and Son, W. H. Powell; 3 guineas each : B. Walker and Soils, E. H. Shapland, Northern Counties Motor Services, Ltd. ; 2 guineas. each : J. and B. Gridley, Ltd., Salter and Stokes, Downing and Rudman, L. Brown and Sons, Ltd., W. Reynolds, J..Enthoven and Sons, John Evans, Junr., Hudson and Martin, Ltd. ; 1 guinea each : Collie and District Co.-Op. Society, Ltd., United Yeast Co., Ltd., Sandbach Industrial Co-Op. Society, Ltd., G. R. Forlitt, Huxarn and Co., J. E. and L. H. Hushell, S. and T. Trounson, Ltd., H. W. Hamilton, Constable, Hart and Co., Ltd., T. Chalmers and Son, Lord John Sanger and Sons, Ltd. ; £1 each : J. Brooks, Taylor and Co., Ltd., J. Bulloch and Son ; 10s. 6d. : Haslam and Stretton, Ltd.
Transport for the Election.
Representations have been made to the Local Government Board by some acting Returning Officers that difficulties are likely to arise in connection with the approaching General Election in arranging for the conveyance of the voting compartments, ballot loxes, stamping instruments, etc., to and from the polls. The Local Government Board has cornintinicated with the Road Transport Beard on the matter, with the result that the Transport Board has instructed each of its Divisional Road Transport Officers to take immediate steps to assist in the provision of transport on the receipt of a request from the acting Returning Officer or Deputy Acting Returning Officer. The Local Government Board; therefore, notifies that in any case, in which such difficulty is anticipated the returning officers should get into touch with the appropriate transport officer.
The industry is now asking to be told whether or not it is to have Protection.
State Aid for Commercial Aviation.
Lord Weir, the President of the Air Council, speaking at the opening ceremony of the Exhibition of Enemy Aircraft, now on view at, the Agricultural Hall, London, had a word to say about commercial aviation. He said that he thought the poasibilites are great, bat, with regard to the immediate future, the probabilities were not so great. He desired to give a ward of caution to those who predict an immediate far-reaching aud successful development of com mercial aer'al enterprise. The actual practical limitations were very great, and we had to look forward to a period of pioneering work in commercial aviation. In that work the State must play a large
part. It has supported the industrial development of aviation throughout the war, and, in his opinion, it must assist with development and training until commercial aviation is well established. Be was expecting in a few days to meet the representatives of British aircraft, manufacturers, and he had hopes that, by discussion and agreement with them, methods may be devised by which the State may be enabled to lend its support to industry in the difficult times which are coming. He gave his own promise that the existing restrictions on the activity of those who desire to be energetic in commercial aviation would be very quickly removed.
A Weighty Matter.
A committee of the Glasgow Corporation has now heard the views of a deputation from the North-West Engineering Trade Employers Association relative to the damage. to certain streets by the haulage of boilers and machinery of excessive weight and remitted the question iof consideration by a special sub-commtte • -
Dr. Addison, the Minister of Reconstruction, in dealing with the figures in connection with the disposal of war stores, places their value at about £500,000,000 (five hundred million pounds), although he thought that more than this would be realized.
Removal of Petrol Restric tions.
It was announced an Friday last by the Board of Trade, after consultation with the Petroleum Executive, that it will not be possible for some time to withdraw entirely the restrictions on the use of petrol
for motor vehicles.. The needs of the Army are still very great, the demand for such purposes being on the increase —owing, of course, to the greater dietancea hem the. base ports at which the Army is now finding itself. Arrangements are being made to ease the shipping position by the transfer of ships trom fuel oil carrying to petrol carrying, but the ships have to he cleaned, so that several weeks must pass before they are ready. Having in view, however, the greater facilities which will be available for increasing petrol stocks later on, the Board of Trade hope to he able to release restrictions at an early date. Certain proposals come into force at once; thus from Sunday last, 17th November, the provisions of the Motor Spirit Consolidation and Gas Restriction. Order were suspended between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. for the sole purpose of permitting the use ormotor spirit in private motor vehicles or hired vehicles for attendance at places of public worship. From 1st Dec. the Order will be modified to permits the use of spirit by licence holders for driving motor vehicles of any type for all purposes within a radius of 30 miles of the place of residence or business of the licence holder. So far as journeys beyond that radius are concerned, the restrictions will remain in force but will be removed entirely so soon as possible.
On 1st January next the Petrol Control Department will be Prepared to eoncider applications from owners of commercial and public utility vehicles for an increase in their present allotments, whilets_applications for licences will also be consideved from owners of vehieles of this type who do not at present hold licences.
Another wise movement on the part of Sir Albert Stanley is the deferring until further not'ce (which means practically entire cancellat'on) of the instruction issued by the Road Transport Board restricting deliveries by retail traders in petrol to a radius of 10 miles.
Aerial Service Between London and Paris.
Mr. G. Holt Thomas, who some morIths ago gave a lecture in London dealing with the possiblities of passenger transport by aeroplane, has now announced that as woo as circumstances permit an air passenger service will be instiented between London and Paris. At the London end arrangements will be in the hands of Aircraft Transport and Travel, Ltd., a company which was registered some time ago to deal with similar air projects. In Paris arrangements will be in the hands of Compaenie Generale Transaerienne, the president of which is Mons. Henri Dentcbc de Is Aleinabe, who has been associated with ninny enterprises in connection wa,li the injornobile industry in France The time-tables for the service is as follows:— Leave Ritz Hotel, London, • by motorcar ... .. 10 a.ni Leave Aerndronie, Hendon 10.30 a.m. Arrive Aerodrome, Paris ... 1 p.m _Arrive Ritz Hotel, Paris ... 1.30 p.m. It ;s intended to produce new designs B26 of aeroplanes, but at first the service will be conducted with certain fast machines which have been used for bombing expeditions into Germany. These machines are actually being produced in large numbers, have two high-powered engines, can travel Ms 126 m.p.h., carrying 3250 lb. weight in addition to fuel.
Industrial Conferences.,
Li view of the success which has attended the fortnightly conferences and diecussions now beiug held by the Industrial Reeenstruction Council, and the universal demand for their eentinumem, a second series has been arranged for January, February and March of next year. They will be held on Tuesdays, as before, in the Hall of the institute of Journalists, at 6 p.m.
The first, under the title of ." Reconstruction or Restoration? " will deal with the general principles which should guide us during the dirticult transition period, and will be opened by Major
J. Gillespie, D.S.O., on 14th January. The other meetings will discuss thu workers' interest in costing, the place of the merchant in British industry, welfare work, wages and condition of employment in relation to future industrial prosperity, and industry and educational reconetruction; the opening address in each ease being delivered by Mr. A. Webster Jenkinion, F.C.A. (Controller of Factory Audit and Costs), Sir Charles McLeod (Chairman of the Imperial Commercial Association), Miss Newcome•(Secretary of the Central Association of Welfare Workers), Capt. James O'Grady, M.P. (Secretary of the National Federation of General Workers), and Mr. F. W. Sanderson, M.A. (Headmaster of Onndle School).
No tickets will be issued, but all those who intend to be present are asked kindly to inform the Secretary, I.R.C., 2 and 4, Tudor Street, E.G. 4.
Cippenham Workers.
In the House of Commons last week Mr. Grant asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that, owing to the shortage of houses in the neighbourhood, at least 1000 new cottages will be required for the permanent staff of workmen to be employed at the Cippenham mechanical transport depot when in full working order ; whether the estimated expenditure of £1,750,000 on this depot includes any emu for the provision of workmen's dwellings apart from the temporary huts now in use ; and, if not, by whom and when and at what cost are these dwellings to be provided?
Mr, Macpherson : I am not aware of any shortage of houses in the neighbourhood to meet the probable requirements of the permanent staff of the depot at Cippenham. In -any case, I think it should be possible for the employees to reach the works by using the Great Western Railway. The estimated expenditure includes the provision of housing for the military personnel that will be employed at the depot, but it ia rot proposed to provide any other dwellings.
The directors of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. have resolved to pay out of the profit.% of the current year an interim dividend at the rate of 4 per cent. (less income tax) on the preference stock, and an interim dividend at the rate of 2 per cent. (less income tax) on the ordinary stock, being at the eamo rate as in the last three years.
Petrol for the Coming Election.
In the House of Commons last week Mr. Joynsonatlicks asked whether the petrol Inenies to candidates for Parliament can be issued in respect of hired cars or only for privately-owned ones ? Sir A. Stanley : The Petrol Control Department will not require any information are to the ownership of the cars which will, be used by candidates and their agents, and no distinction will, therefore, be made between hired and privately-uwned ears. Mr. G. Terrell : Can the right hon. gentleman now see his way to increase the allowance of petrol? Sir A. Stanley : Yea, sir; it bae been decided to make some increase in the allowance of petrol both for candidates and their agents. The allowance will be increased by 10 gallons in each instance. That will increase the amount from 20 to 30 gallons according to the size of the constituency. Mr. G. Lambert asked if a larger increase for those who have very large county constituesicies could be given? Mr. Chantellor : Do I understand the reply to mean that voters may be brought to the poll in hired cars? Sir C. Kinloch Cooke asked how many motorcars may be used at an election—one for the candidate, one for the agent, and one for anybody else?
Colonel Claude Lowther : Will the right hon. gentleman consider the advisability of giving a larger supply of petrol to those members who represent very large constituencies!
Sir A. Stanley : This question of the allowance of petrol for use during. the General Election was very carefully considered by representatives of all departments, and the matter was under discussion for several weeks. The decision was the result of a carefully prepared plan. I have gone into the matter since, and although I do not pretend to be a proper authority to determine what can be done, I feel that the decision come to by those competent to advise the Government was in the circumstances the beat to be done.
In the House of Commons last week Mr. Charles Roberts asked the President of the Board of Trade whether permits and licences for the use of cars in election contests are only to he valid from the date of the jsme of the writ or from the date of notice of intention to issue the Prollamation?
Sir A. Stanley : The special permits Med licences which will be issued by Parliamentary candidates and 'their election agents will be valid during the seven days preceding the issue of the writ as well as during the period between the issue of the writ and the day following the close of the roll.
Companies Struck Off.
Notice is given that at the expiration of three months from 12th November the names of the undermentioned companies will. unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register of Joint Stock Companies, and the companies Will be dissolved :—Alvechurch Light Car Co., Ltd., Automobiles de Lose, Ltd., British rind Colonial Motors, Ltd., British Gas Tresction Co., Ltd., Broillme Motor Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., Garages, Ltd. (registered 26th April, 1207),
n.ST Prr, ere Cr Hirers, Ltd., Pro.. vircial Motor Cab Ca., Ltd., Rapid Road Transit Co., Ltd., Ritz Motor Co., Ltd., Road Transport Co., Ltd. 2T.S, November, 1918. Winter and Welding.
With the frosty weather upon us it will not be long before motor vehicle owners and drivers experience troubles inseparable from wintry conditions. As the restricted use of motor vehicles will make it more than ever necessary to keep in condition the lorries and vans now on the road, Barimar, Ltd., 10, Poland Street, Oxford Street, W., informs us that they have made special arrangements to handle with the greatest possible speed fractures caused by frost. The accompanying illustration herewith of a two-cylinder casting with water jacket cracked by frost will show how apparently worthless castings may by skilful treatment be re-created as good as new. The part shown in the illustration was obviously worthless, yet it lould not be replaced by a new Qom. aonent at any price, but Barimar scientific welding experts repaired the fracture within 48 hours, and made the cylinders as good as new, the work having been executed at a trifling cost.
Minor Restrictions.
Throughout the country there is a call For as rapid a removal as possible of the disabilities and restriction which have been imposed upon the public during the war. The whole of these have been borne with patience by the populace, but the British public is far too sensible to stiffer restrictions which apparently are no longer necessary. A good move has already been made in relaxing the restrictions on the use of petrol
Cerebos Transport.
In an article entitled "Transporting London's Salt Supply," dealing with the work and running of the fleet of vehicles employed by Cerebos, Ltd., which was published in our issue for 24th October, we omitted to state that the decision of the company to embrace motor power as a means of transport was almost entirely guided by the experience of Mr. W. H. Stradling. assistant manager to the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., and the first van purchased, a five. ton Pierce-Arrow, was supplied by that company. The body which is fitted to this vehicle is regarded as a standard for all the other machines. and was designed and constructed under the personal supervision of Mr. D. H. Duff, works manager of the Bristol company. We have pleasure in giving credit where credit is due, for we feel that the excellent running of this five-tonner reflects commendable praise on the efforts of these gentlemen.
A New jointless Radiator.
A new type of component with which to construct a motorcar radiator has been devised and patented by Mr. C. W. Denny, of 22, Edwardes Square, Kensington, London, W. 8, the accompanying illustration evidently from its relative dimensions being taken from a miniature or model made to demonstrate the principle.
This illustration shows a complete unit, or "plate," to use the inventor's term, with two small sections attached to show the method of building up. Each plate is a water channel of the requisite radiator height and width and of shallow depth perforated by rows of cross tubes, the whole " plate " being made entirely in one piece by electro deposition. The small sample before us has tubes less than a quarter inehJin length, but we do
not assume that th:s is the limit of the depth of the "plate." The plates are nested according to the amount of radiating surface required for a given radiator
and are bolted together, no doubt with distance pieces between Co as to take full advantage of the whole of the radiating surface presented by the face of the "plates as, well as of the air tubes. A common inlet and outlet are then provided and What is described as a jointless radiator is the result.
The method allows of the radiators being constructed of copper, which is doe advantage, whilst the obviation of the use of tubes with their countless soldered joints is another. Rust and corrosion are avoided and the units can be built up and altered to suit various requirements.
The Mackie Anthropological Expedition to Uganda, which was delayed by request of the Colonial Office, owing to the war, will shortly proceed. The expedition will be under the direction of the Royal Society, with Mr. RO6C00, who has has1 a long association with Uganda, as leader. The expedition is being financed by Mr. Mackie, of Glenreasdell, who came forward after the refusal of Mr. Harcourt, the then Colonial Secretary, to provide the funds.
.Local Proceedings.
Stockton T.C. is seeking Parliamentary powers to run motorbuses.
Darlington T.C. is to consider the purchase of a motor fire-engine.
Buxton T.C. is seeking sanction to borrow 21200 for the 'purchase of a steam wagon.
Lincoln C.C. is to purchase a secondhand motorcar for the Main Road Surveyor.
Rotherham Tramways Committee are to call for tenders for a new tower wagon.
Walsall Corporation tramways manager has been instructed to render the Food.Contrel Committee every assistance he can in regard to the use of the tramcars in the event of food kitchens being established in various parts of the borough.
Electric vehicles Were introduced into Grimsby for the first time in 1916-17, when 10,013 units were supplied by the corporation electricity department for battery charging. In the first year, which closed on 31st March, units sold for this purpose were 13,457, and the revenue received was 257.
Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., of Ipswich, have built for the Wolverhampton and Stoke-on-Trent Town Councils • two electrically-propelled Orwell lorries. They are 3i-ton automatic-tipping vehicles. Both vehicles were driven by road from the makers' works at Ipswich to their destination at about nine miles per hour, being charged at power stations en route from East Anglia to the Midlands.
Agent. for Austins.
We hear that George Heath, Ltd., of Birmingham, are fully alive to the necessity of being prepared for peace, and have completed negotiations with the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., to represent them for commercial vehicles and passenger cars in four counties—Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire and Shropshire. They have already a waitling list of private purchasers and agency arrangements are being concluded with the trade in the above territory.
Trees 'andTraffic.
At the request of the L.G.O. Co., the Wandsworth B.C. decided to remove a htuidred trees in Earlsfield Road be. cause they obstructed vehicular traffic. But the Council has had vigorous protests against the proposal and, before cutting down the trees, has arranged to talk the matter over with a deputation of owneis and occupiers.
Suspended Services.
At Sheffield Corporation Tramways Committee it was proposed that. as the stoppage of the motorbuses at the Tinsley end of the city had caused great inconvenience, the Committee should consider the possibility of renewing a service, either by obtaining a fuller supply of the necessary petrol or using on the section a portion of the supply which the Committee has at command. The General Manager stated ,that when lie could obtain the 'services of two motorbus mechanics and certain spare parts the service could be resumed.