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20th September 1921
Page 22
Page 22, 20th September 1921 — A FOUR-IN-ONE VEHICLE.
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A Body Conversion Set Which Enables a Ford to be Used as a Saloon Coach, Van, Platform Lorry, or Tip Wagon.

rilHE AVERAGE Ford user, and we refer more particularly to the smaller class or tradesmen owning a single vehicle, uses his machine for one set purpose, and is able as a general rule, to keep it fully occupied, day in and day out, on the same class of work. There are other asers, however, whose trade is to a large extent seasonal, and who are unable to find sufficient work for their machine in one particular sphere of activity all the year round. Such users often manage to find other work for their vehicle during the slacker periods. They have not, as a rule, enough spare capital to use in the purchase of a machine for the two distinct uses and, moreover, it is doubtful whether such a policy would be efficient and economical, for it -would always entail one machine being idle.

To such users, notably amongst which . are small hauliers and coach proprietors, the conversion set for the Ford one-ton chassis, which is manufactured by W. Wright. and Son, 265-273, Melton Road, Leicester, will make particular appeal. In reality, this set enables a Ford chassis to be used for four distinct purposes, these being, a flat platform lorry, a tipping lorry, a 14-seater passenger vehicle and a large capacity van; the design and construction of the equipment being such

that conversion to .any one of the above types can be effected with the minimum of ease and trouble. The " Rite " tipping body, as it is called, should be of considerable use to builders-, coal merchants and the like, who have loose loads to tip, for it enables a full load to be readily discharged in two minutes, thus reducing unloading costs as well as saving time. The lorry body is hinged to a frame attached to the chassis, the hinges being a few inches to the rear of the centre. The platform body is held in its normal position by two bars—the bar nearest the driver's cab acting on the same principle as a tip-seat bar, whilst the second bar, about a foot to the rear of the other, is fitted to serve as a foolproof locking arrangement. which, of course, is very necessary when the vehicle is used for passenger carrying.

The platform body is fitted with loose sides and tailboard, and when the vehicle is to be used for passenger carrying these can be removed, thus leaving a flat bottom, which serves as the floor for the coach body.

The 14-seater coach body is built in one piece, and is provided with four eye plates, one at each top corner, to enable it to be easily removed when slings are used it can, however, be easily lifted off the cha.ssis by four men. 15p-up seats

are fitted, with loose cushions, which can be either sprung or padded to suit the requieements of the individual user. The sides of the coach body can be fitted with fixed or loose glass frames and ventilators, or khaki side curtains can be employed. The only door, which is at the rear, has a. drop window. The incorporation of removable windows is a desirable feature, for it enables the body to possess an all-the-year-round usefulness.

Two steps are fitted at the rear to give ready access to the interior, and they are bolted in two slots in the lorry runners. The coach body is held rigidly in position by five bolts along the bottom frame and two through the driver's cab. Tool and petrol boxes are fitted on the running board's.

To convert the passenger-carrying body for goods transport, it is merely necessary to remove the loose cushions and let down the seats, which provides a roomy van body.

The complete set is of first-Blass workmanship, and good quality materials are employed in its construction. The "Rite" tipping lorry is priced at £65, and with passenger conversion set from £110 to £150, according to the type of body ; these prices including everything that makes the vehicle ready for the road.