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Wages Council Upgrades Areas

20th May 1949, Page 9
20th May 1949
Page 9
Page 9, 20th May 1949 — Wages Council Upgrades Areas
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rHE Road Haulage Wages Council has issued Order R.H. (30), which

• rings up to -date in one volume all .revious Orders and Regulations on the tatutory minimum remuneration for, nd holidays to be allowed to, road aillage workers in Great Britain.

The only new provisions contained 3 R.H. (30) concern the upgrading of a tumber of areas to Grade 1. These are !early shown in italics in the amended ist in Part IV of the Order.

Proposals to upgrade five other acalities to Grade 1 areas are published n R.H. (31), which is now available for lusting up until May 24. •

Copies of these Orders may be ibtained from the secretary of the toad Haulage 'Wages Council,2.8, Iroadway, London, S.W.1.

L.T.E. STARTS -TOURS 'IN Monday, London Transport r?-1 began coach tours of the West End if London, the City, and Windsor. The Vest End and City lours' takethree tours and cost 7s. 6d. The Windsor our occupies 61 hours. and the fare of 2s. 6d. includes tea,


TH's week Timson Bros. (England), Ltd., Moor Street, Birmingham, has ollowed up the British Industries Fair )y holding an exhibition of working mdels of tools and equipment at its ffiowroorns. Technical representatives af several manufacturers have been wailable for discussion with buyers who were unable to cover the B.I.F. 'ully or found the stands crowded and he staffs busy.

SERVICING ELECTRICAL GEAR A VALUABLE addition to the availt1 able literature dealing with the ,ervicing of electrical equipment has recently been published by the Trader Publishing Co., Ltd.. Dorset House, SI:tinfoil:1 Street, London, S.E.I. The principl..!s of working and the design of

measuring instruments are dealt with, and there is much useful information on their application in the shop.

The hook is called " Electrical Servicing of the Motor Vehicle,' and is priced at 8s. 6d.