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A digest of decided cases

20th July 1973, Page 22
20th July 1973
Page 22
Page 22, 20th July 1973 — A digest of decided cases
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• Operators puzzled about the application of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1973 will find helpful a book published this week. Entitled A, digest of decided cases it is published by Barry Rose, Little London, Chichester, Sussex, price £1.25.

As the title suggests, it contains synopses of a number of magistrates' court and appeal court decisions relating to a selection of cases brought under some of the C and U Regs. It is simple to determine if a ruling has been included on the particular Regulation required for the contents page is so arranged that reference to the Regulation shows the page on which a decision will be found.

There are 48 pages of this 54in. by 8in. publication devoted to about 80 English and a dozen Scottish decisions so that each is necessarily much abbreviated. Nevertheless, knowledge that a ruling exists will enable an operator to discover a more detailed text if it is required. J.J.