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Argumentson London roads

20th February 1982
Page 7
Page 7, 20th February 1982 — Argumentson London roads
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

GREATER London Council proposals for future road development in the capital fall far short of the economic and social needs, according to the British Road Federation.

Calling for a £3,300m Government/GLC road programme to be implemented over the next 12 years, it said that the adverse environmental effects of new roads can be exaggerated. "Most people would agree that there is nothing visually or socially pleasing about dangerous, congested streets. Sensitively designed purpose-built roads in scale with their surroundings can be very effective in minimising or eliminating traffic noise, visual intrusion, and severance," it told the council.

But against this view, the GLC has told the Government that it is opposed to the proposed £100m cross-Thames link between the A13 and A2, which is due to be built from 1987.

GLC transport committee vicechairman Paul Moore said: "The Department of Transport should make this money available to the GLC and to the London boroughs concerned, and we could spend it on a sensible mix of investment which would keep a good balance between road and rail and public and private transport."