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Wishart to expand driver training

20th April 2006, Page 12
20th April 2006
Page 12
Page 12, 20th April 2006 — Wishart to expand driver training
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KIRKCALDY, FIFE-BASED Wishart International is gearing up to expand its newly established recruitment and driver agency scheme into Dundee and then London.

The company recently set up the scheme to offer four weeks' paid training to newly qualified LGV and LCV drivers, who are then employed by local firms.

To date it has been a success; after putting four drivers through the scheme at Kirkcaldy, Wishart has another seven drivers in the pipeline. The company is looking for more recruits and is keen to expand the scheme further in Scotland and into England.

Kevin Huskie, managing director of Wishart International, says: "We started off at the depot here and now want to expand the service into Dundee within the next two months, "Then, through our links with Palletline, we could also look at introducing it into depots in London — England has a real problem with driver shortages."

Huskie says the Wishart scheme solves drivers' problems of not being able to get permanent employment because they do not have on-the-road experience; at the same time, employers are able to source a seam of highly skilled, trained local drivers.