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Show fon to change

1st December 1979
Page 6
Page 6, 1st December 1979 — Show fon to change
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THE SCOTTISH MOT( SHOW attracted an exl 3,000 visitors this year, there are doubts about its ture form.

Scottish Motor Tra Association chief executi Charles Gallacher announc last week that more th 144,000 attended the sho 3,000 more than in 1977. ThiE the first time the show h been open on a Sunday.

But he added that the were space problems, e pecially for commerci vehicle exhibitors, some whom were accommodated the once-only overflow displi at Partick.

Mr Gallacher said that a d cision would have to be tak( "very soon", which rais4 again the possibility I separate commercial and c. exhibitions.

In the long term, the Sco tish Development Agency I looking into the possibilities a new national exhibition cer tre and hotel complex fo Central Scotland.

It realises that Kelvin Hall i inadequate for present need: and has asked regional coun cils to identify potential site in their area.

SDA says it is too early t say where the new centr might be, but the first regio to reply is Central which is du to submit its suggestions nex week.