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19th February 1965
Page 46
Page 46, 19th February 1965 — HULL FISH TRAFFIC C-TO-B FOR 30
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A SWITCH for 30 vehicles from C to 13 licence for Hull-based fish merchants. 'Stirk Bros., was granted by the 'Yorkshire deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. E. Randolph, in Leeds last week. British. Rail, British Road Services and two Aberdeenbased fish hauliers withdrew their objections after territorial qualifications of the application were amended.

The application was for 30 vehicles of 57-1 tons for: "Fish. fish products, frozen foods, ice and boxes for fish merchants as required ". The railways' objection was met by the exclusion of London from the operating area; B.R.S., by the exclusion of Grimsby; and the Aberdeen objectors. by the exclusion of Scotland.

Mr. R. E. Patterson, for the applicants, said this was not a question of a haulier trying to jump on the bindwagon of fish carriage. Stirk Bros. were old-established fish carriers operating a nation-wide service, who went to outlandish places as a matter of course. It was to such places that they were receiving requests to carry from Hull. The application was also to obviate any possible breach of the law in regard to C licences and associated companies, said Mr. Patterson. Stirk Bros. were part of a group with upwards of 60 associated companies, some of whom were wholly owned.

There was an associated company which was solely a transport concern and it could be that it might, from an administrative point of view, be desirable at some future date to transfer the Stirk fleet to the transport company. For that reason the applicants were allowed to delete the word " other " from the original application, which had been to carry also for "other fish merchants as required ".

Mr. L. Cockerill, company secretary of Stirk Bros., said they currently operated 30 vehicles on C licence. They served 12 trawler companies and were almost fully occupied working for group companies, but they could do a little work for others in carrying to 'out-of-theway places.