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200 More A.E.C. doubledeckers for Tehran

19th February 1965
Page 45
Page 45, 19th February 1965 — 200 More A.E.C. doubledeckers for Tehran
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A' order worth' .€2m. has been received by A.E.C. Ltd. and its associate bodybuilders, Park Royal Vehicles Ltd., for 200 double-deck buses to go into service in Tehran.

Negotiated through Robinson Frere and Co. Ltd.. the order calls for Regent V chassis to be titled with 71-seat rearentrance bodies.

Both chassi4nd bodies will he shipped c.k.d. for assembly in the workshops of the Tehran bus company, Sherkat Vahed Autobus Rani Tehran Via Hameh. Three engineers from the company are already studying construction techniques at the London works of Park Royal before joining A.E.C.'s resident engineer in Iran, who will supervise assembly,' Middlesbrough Against Concessionary Fares: Middlesbrough Corporation transport committee has decided against allowing concessionary fares to pensioners on the grounds that the municipal bus undertaking could not afford it.